Letting Go
It is good to keep on keeping on, it is very important that we do not give up so easily and strive to always achieve our goals and dreams, we have to learn to be ambitious and dream big for we are royalty through Christ our Lord. Then also there is the point where we have to learn to let go, when we have to know when enough is enough and to focus our attention and energy on other things in life.
Life as we know it is never a straight path that follows smoothly, it is a very long journey with hurdles to overcome along the way, there are hills and steep slopes along the way, there are bumps and pot holes sometimes. The truth is that sometimes some people are brought into our lives to help us only for a short periods to open certain doors for us and to leave.
The is the role the Lord arranged for them to perform in your life, but then when we find it difficult letting go and we keep them for longer than they ought to be we end up causing more harm than good, we spoil the plans and things turn sour same way that the Israelites stored Manna and it went bad.
I am guessing your question would be how do we know who or what is meant to stay and who or what is not, you cannot know and so you have to trust the Holy Spirit and let him guide you. Sons and daughters of God aint meant to suffer, when it is not working let it go and focus on other things for all you know it was meant to be temporal in your life.
Is it my prayer however that we attain the spirit of discernment to help us judge our way through life and make the right choices that will go a long way to make our Christian life a Glory to God. Thanks for reading and stay safe.