The Kingdom of God and the Interest!!!
Dear Community!
It is possible that when you attend a Christian Church, you get with two types of people, among the various types that exist, those who seek the Kingdom of God and its Justice (Matthew 6:33), and those interested, those who are in the God's house just waiting for the blessing to arrive.
The interest is in our midst!
It is very difficult at first sight to know who is the one who is of personal interest in the midst of the people of God, because he arrives as a worshiper equal to the other believers. He goes to the services, he praises, he is in the Bible school, many times even the Holy Supper participates. Unlike the faithful believer, he is only waiting for the blessing.
The interested one shows himself many times loving, careful with the things of God he even helps in the work.
The 10 lepers mentioned by the Evangelist Luke, show us the effusiveness of these patients when they needed the healing of Jesus Christ:
And when he entered a village, ten leprous men came to meet him, who stood from a distance and raised their voices, saying: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us! When he saw them, he said to them: Go, show yourselves to the priests. And it happened that as they were going they were cleaned. Then one of them, seeing that he had been healed, returned, glorifying God with a loud voice, and fell on his face to the ground at his feet, giving thanks; and this one was a Samaritan. Jesus answered and said, "Is it not ten who are cleansed? And the nine, where are they? Was there no one who returned and gave glory to God but this foreigner?
And he said to him: Get up, go; Your faith has saved you.
Luke 17: 12-19
Jesus wants to transform the heart of the interested party!
As we can see below, in verse 14, Jesus sympathizes with the situation of those men, he sends them to the priest, but in the middle of the path they are healed. Maybe you ask: Jesus did not know that only one was faithful and others interested? Perfectly, however, He clearly says that He came to the sick and called sinners to repentance. Jesus blesses with the purpose of softening the heart of those who need salvation, but blessing alone does not transform character, does not bring salvation and does not change anyone's story. That is where the interested party repents, because when he gets the blessing he falls out.
After the blessing achieved, we know who is who.
From verse 14 we can see the blessing achieved, that is where we know who is grateful and who is not. Note that before receiving the healing, everyone was crying out for mercy, and that is the case until today. We constantly see in the churches people asking for healing, for liberation, material goods, employment, among many other things. But after they get what they want, they forget.
Only one returned to thank: that is not any particularity of that text. To this day we have multitudes of people crying out to the Lord for the miracle, and very few return to thank and continue following the path of Christ. Notice in verse 15 that of the ten who received the miracle, only one returned to glorify the name of the Lord.
The interested party only receives alms from the Kingdom of heaven: of those who were healed, nine went on, none of them wanted to return with gratitude, they received only alms. What is the use of receiving the blessing of the Lord if He is not with us, is mere almsgiving. God had much more for those nine, but they preferred to move away from Jesus and follow eternal damnation, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And so still today, many are only behind the blessing, to solve that immediate, momentary problem.
The faithful believer receives the greatest blessing
In verse 16 we can see the gratitude of the man who came back to thank, humble himself at the feet of Jesus, he shouts in a loud voice Glory to God, that man did not receive only the healing of his leprosy that at the time was of extreme importance , because leprosy had no cure and who had leprosy was considered unclean, and had to live far from society, excluded, abandoned, but he received the cure of what was most important, his heart. That man had his life transformed by the Master. Whoever stays to thank and perseveres after receiving the blessing reaches the best of God. The Salvation. We can see it clearly in verse 19: Get up and go, act faith saved you. The best of all is that God does not leave us prostrate, He is the one who raises us, sustains us.
Are you interested or faithful believer?
Finally, what are you doing in the house of the Lord? He is seeking to live in holiness or he is just waiting for the blessing to arrive and then he will jump.
It is true that with true religion great gains are made, but only if one is satisfied with what one has.
1 Timothy 6: 6 | NVI
I agree with you brother, God does not want people who serve him for selfish interests or for money, you must protect STEEMCHURCH from people like that. We pray that the church be kept pure.
If sister Kristal, a healthy Church provides a healthy society where what matters most is God, family and love of neighbor.
You are right, steemchurch has been a great blessing here in the chain of blocks, there is a reason stronger than money and it is to preach the gospel that saves lives. Good point of view brother.
Amen tnrb thanks you for passing
Important this message brother @emiliocabrera
Yes Brothers WM, thanks
God is blessing the Christian community in the chain of blocks, if it is expanding as love and unity reign.
We work on corpuschristi
Showing fidelity to God and the Church is a high value more than all the money that exists, the first is eternal, the second is ephemeral. Money perishes, good memories between brothers is forever. Excellent message brother
Amen dear Lorennys