PluralSight: An Overdue Journey Started
I'm going to make this a pretty quick post because I currently have around 3% charge left on my device 😂.
I have always wanted to start and be a part of the revolution technology has seen come to fruition over time.
I applied to study computer science twice some years ago but due to some financial setbacks then, I couldn't afford to pay after notification of my admission.
I had to continue working all kinds of odd but legitimate jobs until I opted in for Civil Engineering. But that computer related field fire has always burn within.
A few days ago I signed up for Andela tech training with PluralSight and google to study Android development and I'm already immersed in the lessons.
I will be sharing the little I learn daily. Although it is quite time consuming but I believe it will be worth it as I have seen so far.
I may likely make a follow up post after charging my device later this evening.