Betterlife : The Diary Game (04-11-2023)- I had a busy and scary day.

in Steem For Bangladesh7 months ago


Hello everyone. I am @enamul17.
From #Bangladesh.

Assalamualaikum friends,
Welcome to my another beautiful diary blog. How are you all my friends? Hopefully all of you are very well & healthy by the God's grace. Alhamdulillah, I am also fine today.Today I am here to share my 4th November diary blog. I hope all of you are interested in knowing about my Saturday’s activities. So without delay let's start my today's diary blog.


Today November 4th is my first curation day of the month. My curating hours will start in the morning so I plan to curate on time. But he sleeps a little late at night so he gets up late in the morning. However, even though I woke up late this morning, I managed to carry out my activities as per my plan After waking up in the morning, I freshen my hands and face and then I have a light breakfast.


Later I start my curation from eleven in the morning and curate for more than 1:30 hours. I curate about 30 quality posts and also curate good comments from users to encourage them. Anyway I end up curating and then I use social media for a while. At 1 o'clock I take a shower and prepare to have lunch and then go to my office.


So I showered and dressed and went to aunt's house to have lunch. Then I went to the office from there. After going to office I rest for some time and then I start my regular activities. However, the garment workers have been protesting for several days and vandalism has also taken place. And even today there is a small movement.The main reason for their agitation is to increase their wages as the current rate at which the prices of daily necessities have increased has made it difficult for the workers to make a living.


However the movement ended and the atmosphere calmed down. And I sat in the room and watched it. Later I sat in the room and continued to enjoy playing cricket on my mobile phone. Today was an exciting match between New Zealand and Pakistan. And I love to watch cricket so I enjoy playing cricket for quite some time.


After 4:30 pm I leave the lab room to observe around the plant and check if all the machines in the plant are working properly or there are any other problems. So I change the pre-filter of the air blower machine because it gets dirty with dust very quickly. Then I came back to the room and sat.


Then in the evening i.e. around 6 o'clock I left the lab room and went to the control room and changed the switches of all the machines. After that there is nothing much to do, in the evening I continue to create an article to post on steemit. Later I do my office report writing activities and plan to come home after finishing office.


However, when coming at night, many people are going home after their work, so the streets are a bit crowded. After that I take dinner and sleep after all my night activities.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my diary blog post. This is how I spent my 4th November.

Best Regards By





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