Betterlife With Steem || The Diary Game || 12th January, 2024 || A nice day, done weekly meeting with users, done meeting with team to prepare for engagement challenge season15.

in Steem For Bangladesh5 months ago


Hello everyone. I am @enamul17.
From #Bangladesh.

Assalamualaikum friends,
Greetings and welcome to another diary blog of mine. Hope all of you are very well and healthy by the grace of Almighty Allah. Alhamdulillah, I am well & healthy too. Today I will share with you my daily activities for 12th January, 2024. It was a beautiful day and I accomplished a lot of important work on this day which I am here to share with you all. Hope you all are excited to read my today's activities. So let's begin.


Today is Friday, office hours have changed to afternoon shift. It is winter morning and the temperature is very low all over Bangladesh and I am seeing the effects of winter here too. So I woke up a little late. Anyway after that I freshen up and have breakfast. Later I use mobile some time. My plan was to leave the house a little earlier to go to the office. Because I have to eat lunch, perform Friday prayers and then enter the office.


Afterwards I took a quick shower. The water was very cold, however after showering I got ready and later went to aunt's house for lunch. After that, I took food from there and left for the mosque to pray. Like last week, today I have to pray on the street. A lot of people come to the mosque so it is a bit more scary on this day. Anyway, after praying, I entered the office.


Entering the office I started to perform my duties like everyday. I check everything one by one first. Later I entered the lab room and then I rested for some time and then I completed the water test. Then I resumed acid extraction. Some jars were left to be acidified, so today I plan to empty the rest of the jars. Today, as there is not much work pressure, I am slowly lifting the acid in the tank.



After going to work in the afternoon, I want to eat noodles. So I share this with my friend. Of course, he was quite tired because he went home after work and rested. So I told him to wake up in the evening and come to our office, my friend came to my office and called me. Then I went out with him for some time and went to the store to buy noodles. Then we both buy noodles and he comes home with them and cooks them through one of our elder brothers.


After cooking, when my friend called me, I again left the office and went home for some time. Instead, the three of us enjoy these noodles together. To be honest our elder brother is a great cook and we never forget to praise him. Anyway after eating I re-entered the office.


However, the meeting with the users started in the meantime. As there are two meetings today, the meeting with users starts at 8:00. We meet our users through many activities. The special reason for our meeting is about new users. Our meeting aims to make their platform journey easy and beautiful. But to spice it up we also organize cultural events which keep the users engaged. And today we completed this meeting with many users which was great work for us.


We spend more than 2 hours in meetings with users. After the meeting I started coming home from office. After coming home, freshen up and have breakfast. While having breakfast, I was late for 10 minutes in our community team meeting, the main topic of which was engagement challenge season 15. We discuss important issues like planning our work, topic selection, winner selection etc. for hours. After the meeting I prepare the bed and sleep at night.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my January 12th Diary blog. See you soon on my other blog. Goodbye dear friends.

Best Regards By



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 5 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a beautiful article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. Join our Discord servers for help. Click the link below to join our discord server.

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 5 months ago 

Thank you very much for presenting us with such a nice post. I like reading your post and even more that you have brought many beautiful things between us. And it's great to see your pictures and the topics you're researching. And your haircut style is very nice sir.

 5 months ago 

At present there is cold flow in our country due to which severe cold is felt. On Friday you have afternoon shift work. You went to have lunch at your aunt's house. Also you spend a good amount of time in your office through your work. You had a good time with the meeting in the night. Wishes and good wishes for you bro.

 5 months ago 

ব্যাস্তময় একটি দিন উপভোগ করলেন৷ তবে ব্যাস্ততার মাঝেও কেমন যেন মনে হয়৷ নিজেকে সুখী হিসেবে মনে করেন। শুক্রবারেও অফিস করতে হয়। আর মসজিদে স্বাভাবিক তো শুক্রবার মুসল্লী বেশি হয়, তাই বাইরে পড়তে হয় আরকী। বিকেলে মিটিংয়ে থাকা একটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়, ঢ়ার কারনে আমরা বেশ সুবিধা পাচ্ছি। ভালো থাকবেন

 5 months ago 

You had a wonderful day and your picture of Noodls was beautiful.Noodles are really a very nutritious food and very tasty to eat as seen in the picture.

 5 months ago 

প্রিয় ভাই,
আপনার আজকে অফিসে বিকেলের শিফটে ডিউটি ছিল। তাই আপনি দুপুরের খাবার খেয়েছেন আপনার খালাম্মার বাসায়। তারপর মসজিদে নামাজ পড়ে অফিসে গিয়েছেন। অফিসে গিয়ে কিছু সময় কাজ করে নুডুলস খাওয়ার জন্য অফিস থেকে বের হয়েছেন। তারপর আপনি রাতে Steem For Bangladesh কমিউনিটির মিটিং এ অংশগ্রহণ করেছেন। আমিও মিটিং এ ছিলাম। সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান এর পাশাপাশি সবার সমস্যা গুলো সমাধান করে দিয়েছেন। খুবই সুন্দর একটি আয়োজন ছিল। বরাবরের মতো আপনার কথা গুলো ছিল শান্ত ও নম্র ভাষার। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইলো।

 5 months ago 

Hello dear, How was the day ? I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life. I often read your diary. I noticed one thing that you do not waste your time. You are very hardworking. You like to eat noodles. Well, I also like to eat noodles and if I had my way, I would not even share the noodles with anyone 😆😃. Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life Greetings from my side . Have a nice day .

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