Turn to God from the heart

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Sin is a contaminating agent that separates man from God and hardens his heart. A closeness with God is required and it is necessary to review the harshness and pride with which we have been walking with our backs to God.

It is time to turn to the Lord with a contrite and humbled heart to find grace and have God help us.

In the ancient days of the people of Israel, they forgot the commandments and ordinances that God had given them through Moses and God had to exhort them to abandon the hardness of their hearts and turn to God with humiliation so that God could have mercy again on them.

7 From the days of your fathers you have departed from my laws, and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. But you said: What are we to turn to? Malachi 3: 7

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Abandoning the statutes of God and doing things our own way implies setting aside God's will for us and doing what seems best to us.
God's word teaches that God overthrows the haughty. God brings down the proud man and looks at him from afar. An arrogant heart is a sinful heart and God does not please.

God's call to man today remains the same old call: Repentance.
As long as man does not recognize God's will for his life and continues to act with pride, he will remain out of reach of God's blessings and close to the plan of misfortune that Satan has for the haughty and arrogant.

God loves the sinner and exhorts him to turn to Him with a humbled heart and to be able to enjoy again the blessings that God has for his children.
If God is speaking to you, do not weigh your ear and turn to God from your heart and you will find the opportune rest for your soul.