Principles of life.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Do not be fooled; God cannot be mocked: for whatever man sows, he will also reap. Galatians 6: 7

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Dear brother or friend, this biblical portion is so clear and simple, so that we never try to deceive God, or believe that we can achieve.
The human being can deceive another, be it mother, father, or other authorities, even a pastor, if God does not reveal this deception to him.
Psalms 6: 7, talks about everything that we sow, we are going to reap, and the time of this can be fast but others may take a little longer.
So, beloved, let's think carefully about what we want to harvest, because if you plant a mango seed you are not going to pretend that you are going to harvest apples, or if you are a person who dedicates yourself to treating others badly, do not expect them to treat you. to you well.
There is a saying that says: love is paid with love; It cannot be clearer, if you give love, be sure that you will also get it, but if instead of love you only give hatred, that will also reap.
So as you want to be treated, treat yourself too.
God wants to warn us and alert us so that we put these principles in our lives, not only in the treatment, but in all the decisions we make; so that later we do not have to regret a bad decision made.
So I encourage you to sow looking at God, knowing that all that is good, kind, and agreeable, this pleases Him, but if you do the opposite, in due time it will reap.

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