The Extortion of Foster Children By A Warped Mother - My Personal Childhood of Corruption and Worthlessness: Part 2

in #life7 years ago

You can read Part 1 here

Continued from Part 1


From The Frying Pan Into the Fire

Children continued to come and go out of the house. Any child that became any kind of "trouble", or upset the natural balance of the home was sent back to the group home. The home that we were in was a three bedroom home in Sacramento, CA. The home reached "critical mass" when we had a total of seven (6 boys and one girl) in the home.

I was a survivor and an adapter. I made the insanity my normal life, and once street drugs were introduced, I was able to escape the chaos into my own little world. I did whatever it took to escape.

I recall one day my mother had a massive blow-out over the phone with my father, and it had something to do with the child support checks. I can only assume that something happened in which disqualified or in some way affected the money she was getting from my father and the wrath hit me. I was immediately moved from my bedroom in which I shared with 2 other boys to the garage. I was informed that I "wasn't worth it to her" (I assume she was referring to my "monetary" value), so now I had the pleasure to sleep on a thrift store cot next to her new Ford Thunderbird and having my belongings in boxes on the garage shelves.


Self Realization

This is when it really set in and I lost pretty much all feelings for this monster. I was displaced from the only sanctuary I had and put into the garage as a "useless thing". My drug usage spiked and I began smoking meth at the age of fourteen or so, and my life spiraled down the drain. I became a young hoodlum, doing petty crimes and making bad decisions. Doing that was better than being in a cold garage parked next to a car in an environment that literally sucked the life out of you.

This new consciousness and path I began to turn down was reinforced even more during that winter. It was cold, the garage was unheated and not was brutal. I remember having to sneak into my old bedroom through the window (my brother helped me) to get inside to the warmth and hide under their bed so my mother would not see me. One day I was caught and was again threatened that she "would call the cops and say I beat her, and they would believe her over a punk", and "she brought me into this world, she can take me out of it."

By that next spring, I was officially homeless. I vowed never to return and left with the clothes on my back. I started living in a park called "Twin Parks" in Orangevale, CA and was able to acquire trash bags to form a "teepee" and befriended a McDonald's manager down the road and he would keep all the "screw-up" or "bad" orders for me to eat. I was able to network within that community and hooked up with a guy by the name of Jason and we lived in a car together for a while, then began to run dope and stay at a dope house. Wasn't ideal working conditions or a career, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Her name was Debra, I will never forget her. Even as a dope (meth) dealer, she did something for me that changed my life. I asked her to act as my mother to get me back to school to get my GED and get into the service. She did, even though the counselor for the adult education center knew we were lying out of our teeth she accepted my application and I graduated. Debra also made sure I was clean to pass the drug screen to get into the Army, she was constantly on me and threaten to have her boys "light me up" if she saw me take any product or use anything, or even seem high.


A New Life

The Army was hands down the best thing to ever happened to me. It recreated me into who I am today, all thanks to an addicted and dope dealing woman that showed more empathy and support to me than my own mother. I originally joined the Army as a 19 Delta (Light & Mechanized Cavalry Scout) and reached the rank of Sergeant at the age of 20. I absolutely thrive on the structured and performance rewarding system. I served three overseas tours and completed my term of service in 2011. After that, I pursued my education (after a relapse in 2012) and worked for a few corporations until I achieved my Masters in Business Administration with Human Resources, and once again joined the ranks of the government as an employee for the State of California. This is where I began to see the "enemies of the United States foreign and domestic, with the abuse of power, position, and without the interest of the people in which it serves. The government has become a corrupted monster in almost all departments, thus begins my new war.

Today, I live a blessed and successful life, and I'm now here on Steemit sharing my story to encourage others, bring corruption to the light of the masses, and give a first-hand account to the indirect effects that this broken system has.

Status of Children (Brothers and Sisters)

I have reached out (or been contacted by) a few that were involved with that house and have found two of the males have committed suicide and one male is in prison for the murder of a homeless man. Of two females that went through, they are both in bad relatioships, drug users and with children and living as dependents on "the system".

I have yet to discover any that has lived a positive, productive life thus far.

As stated in the first part of this story, the foster agency has been shut down.

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.

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As always, I would like to than @familyprotection, @canadian-coconut,@thethreehugs, @markwhittam, @steeminganarchy, @canadianrenegade, @jamesc, and everyone else that has been upvoting and giving great feedback on my work for this community so far. I will continue to work hard to bring more quality content to this movement. Any input, ideas or suggestions are welcome.

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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @entrepreneur916 for supporting @familyprotection

Always and forever

Thank you for sharing your story. I have no doubt your ability to rise from a terrible situation will inspire others to do the same. Keep fighting the good fight! -Aimee

Thank you so much and I will. Fighting with a pretty good team nowadays ;)

You were able to move forward. Your story makes it easier for others to share their testimonies as well. Thanks for leading the way.

Thank you for that. All about sharing and supporting eachother

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

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