My Town in Ten Pictures — Obuasi, June 23rd — club100

in Steem Ghana2 years ago (edited)

Hello folks, it's been a while, hope you're well.
I've been home a couple of days now but will be going back soon.

I just want to use this small opportunity that I've got to show you some photos of how my place looks like.
I was sent to deposit some money at a nearby local bank in our area and I got some pictures along the way. You can find them below with few descriptions about them.



An ongoing construction of new classroom blocks

There's a government school just behind the structure here. I might show it in my photos one day. Most of the rooms are not in good conditions and the population is rising so new structures like this one are being put up for the students and staff.
I took this picture right infront of my house.


A local corn factory

I couldn't get in there because I felt I wouldn't be too welcome. This is a picture of a small corn 🌽 factory just beside our house. They bring in harvested corn or maize and use machines to dehusk and thresh them, then later package them in huge sacks. It's a very interesting process. My dad and I have been there a few times to get some corn for our turkeys 🦃.


A furniture shop
As can clearly seen here across the street is a shop where furniture and wooden doors 🚪 are made. They are quite affordable as compared to prices of other places. I just wonder how many people go there for furniture 🤔.


A mart
This is a shop where we usually do our shopping. It's often frustrating when you go to other shops to get a particular thing only to be told it's out of stock. But this shop doesn't really run out of provisions. You can get all sorts of goodies right here 😉.


Bike repairs
This place isn't so far from where I stay. It's owned by a man whose wife owns a shop right beside the repairer's shop. Many people who own bicycles come here anytime they get a fault in their bikes, you can see a kid pumping his flat tyre. If the man charges a nice fee for each bike he repairs, then I guess it's fair to say he's making some good money right there because there's a whole pile of bicycles at the shop, yeah, a pile! He just piles them up😄.


Ooh, another bike shop
Yeah, you can say the locals like dealing in bikes. I don't know how much selling and repairing bikes fetch them. There's actually a motorcycle 🏍 shop just beside this shop but I didn't get a photo of that, I didn't like the way they were looking at me (everyone is so suspicious now, they don't wanna be all over the internet the next moment😄).


Car battery shop
Car batteries, old and new, can be bought here. Also, dead batteries can also be charged⚡ here.


A mechanic/fitting shop
This is a place where cars are repaired. It cannot be easily discerned in this photo but the place extends all the way back. There are numerous shops there where the fitting job goes on.


Bridge under construction
This is a bridge under construction. Though the whole process is taking a bit longer than expected, the locals in the area are more than happy to see that the bridge is finally being reconstructed. The one which was there before was no good and the road always flooded during rainy seasons like these.


The Bank
This is the local bank 🏦 I was sent to make the deposit. It's a really quiet place not just because people comport themselves there but because there are less or no people there at all, usually 😂.
That's where I always go when I need to send a big sum of money to someone. The charges there are lesser as compared to momo vendors in the area. I wasn't charged anything at all today and it felt great 😊.

So that's it buddies, the end of my journey. After the deposit, I went back home, obviously and went about my day.

I hope you enjoyed reading and seeing the photos.
I'll see you again next time. Be safe! 🙏🏾❤


Keep sharing friend. You can also share with @amazing-ghana


Your town look great

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