Capturing moments in the morning at the beach

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 years ago


Pandemic has occupied our mind for quite a long time, beginning in 2O2O Coronavirus began to become an issue in any part of the world. China, Italy, Iran, and other affected countries began to look overwhelmed when it tackled the virus that spreads so quickly.

In Indonesia, we began to be preoccupied with this virus in early March, Schools and Offices began to take a break in mid-March. This was confirmed by our government to suppress the massive spread of the virus.


The economy began to stagnate, even worse than that, we began to feel the impact to this day. We are like dead souls, staying at home, social distancing and away from the crowd, all social interaction activities begin to be restrained. There is no freedom anymore, only hope is when this pandemic will end soon.

Today, I do not want to dissolve in a state of dead souls, a sunny morning, the atmosphere of a free seagull chirping flying in the expanse of the waves. The atmosphere is very meaningful for life. I enjoy the fresh air and feel tired wasted already. This is a sunny morning for dead souls, I share it with all my friends and enjoy it.






Pandemi telah menyita pikiran kita untuk waktu yang cukup lama, awal tahun 2O2O Coronavirus mulai menjadi issue dibelahan dunia manapun. China, Italia, Iran dan negera terdampak lainnya mulai terlihat kewalahan saat itu menanggulangi virus yang begitu cepat menyebar ini.

Di Indonesia, kami mulai disibukkan dengan virus ini pada awal Maret lalu, Sekolah dan Perkantoran mulai diliburkan pada pertengahan Maret. Hal itu ditegaskan oleh pemerintah kami untuk menekan penyebaran virus secara massif.


Perekonomian mulai stagnan, bahkan lebih buruk dari itu, kami mulai merasakan dampaknya hingga hari ini. Kita bagaikan jiwa-jiwa yang mati, berdiam diri dirumah, social distancing dan menjauhi kerumunan, semua kegiatan interaksi sosial mulai dikekang. Tidak ada lagi kebebasan, hanya ada asa yang mengharap kapan pandemi ini segera berakhir.

Saya tidak mau larut dalam keadaan jiwa-jiwa yang mati, pagi yang cerah, suasana kicau camar yang bebas berterbangan di hamparan debusan ombak. Suasana yang sangat memberi arti bagi kehidupan. Saya menikmati udara yang segar dan penat terasa terbuang sudah. Ini adalah pagi yang cerah bagi jiwa-jiwa yang mati, Saya membagikannya kepada teman semua dan selamat menikmatinya.





Support of Visual Artworks and Photogrpahy on Steem by @stef1 and @art-venture , rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project ( @steemcurator08 ).

Thanks for appreciated my work @steemcurator08 and have a nice day too

Thank you Ericha for such amazing shots of sunset and that pier, just inviting people to come along to view together :)

My pleasure @stef1 to do my best in our community ^_^