Greg Hunter Interview: Danielle DiMartino Booth -- Inflation and Deflation Simultaneously in 2018
Greg Hunter interviews Danielle DiMartino Booth, former FED insider and author of "FED UP", about the economy and what she sees ahead for 2018.
(00:38) U.S. tax reform bill - tax cuts -- taxes are now more complicated -- repatriation of overseas funds held by companies;
(03:08) What about the stock market? -- it is overvalued and something is going to have to give -- don't be greedy in 2018 -- stock market will be lower one year from now (2019);
(07:06) Will the FED do another quantitative easing (QE) if they get into trouble? -- interest rates have not been raised enough to lower them again -- new FED chief, Jay Powell;
(10:11) Interest rates, will there be three FED interest rate hikes in 2018? -- We will not see all three rate hikes -- signs of economic slow down towards middle of 2018;
(11:19) How is the economy going to do in 2018? -- slow down in 2018 -- credit card spending outpacing income growth -- automobile loan deliquencies;
(13:36) Pulling the trigger on the economy during an election year? -- politicians (Republicans) hoping for the most optimistic economic forecasts to be true;
(15:26) What about the bond market? -- bond (debt) market is an accident waiting to happen -- FED owned 33% of all mortgages in the U.S. -- the flat yield curve is troubling -- recession coming;
(21:25) When will the FED normalize its balance sheet? -- not in our lifetime;
(22:26) Gold and silver prices? -- gold and silver prices will be the ultimate indicator -- the ultimate safe haven;
(23:26) Prediction for the real estate market? -- when one asset class implodes it takes the others with it -- gold and silver are the ultimate safe haven;
(24:53) Prediction for the U.S. dollar? -- as goes the yield curve, so goes the dollar -- far less downside risk in gold and silver;
(26:46) What is the thinking at the FED? -- they believe they can engineer an economic soft landing;
(28:21) Debt defaults, states, pensions in trouble -- this is why central banks are afraid of the stock market correcting -- elderly poverty issue coming;
(31:21) Inflation and deflation -- real inflation exists now -- coming deflation of debt destruction;
(33:39) Vigorous pursuit of automation -- job losses in restaurant industry;
(34:50) What can the average person do to prepare? -- shore up your balance sheet -- exposure to precious metals -- you do not have to be invested in the market -- pay down your debts;
(36:39) Keeping cash on hand -- Bitcoin and initial coin offerings (ICO's) -- economy is fragile;
(38:16) Predicting big losses -- bubbles tend to last longer than people think;
And more...
42 minute video by Greg Hunter published 1 January 2018
Link Associated with this Interview
2018 Economy Goes Cold – Inflation Hot – Danielle DiMartino Booth
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good job @etcmike
that's pretty cool to know, thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice day dear...
that was great to read
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