Greg Hunter Interview: Jim Sinclair - Worldwide Demand Destruction Averted a Worse Financial Crisis

in #money4 years ago

Greg Hunter legendary gold and market expert Jim Sinclair, about the debt, economy, gold, and markets.


  • (00:42) Where are we know in your prediction for the economy?;
  • (03:49) Are you saying that the shutdown of the world economies averted a larger financial crisis?;
  • (07:14) Where do we go from here?;
  • (16:50) Interest rates skyrocketing would be a much worse problem?;
  • (17:15) What does the world's unemployment look like?;
  • (18:45) How do we get out of this?;
  • (20:31) Is this the biggest bankruptcy and economic reorganization in the history of the world?;
  • (22:30) What is going on with the gold price?;
  • (30:09) Economic war and markets;
  • (33:29) Is there going to be a debt jubilee or debt implosion?;
  • (37:10) What does the price movement in gold look like?;
  • (44:05) Will gold be confiscated?;
  • (46:05) Will you be able to barter with your gold coins?;
  • (47:03) What about silver?;
  • (51:19) Does the U.S. default on treasury bonds?;
  • (51:37) Tell us about the mine venture TRX;
  • And more...

58 minute video by Greg Hunter published 9 May 2020

Link Associated with this Interview

Simple Math says $50,000 to $87,500 Gold Price – Jim Sinclair


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Entre culpables, dimes y diretes todos se culparan pero quien saldrá con una solución viables, esperemos no sea el menos indicado.

Como dicen por allí, si nos tocó a nosotros tendremos que hacerlo. Saludos @etcmike.

As they say over there, if it's our turn, we'll have to do it. Greetings @etcmike.

Hola @etcmike, ya la humanidad ha superado varias crisis y no creo que la actual sea la peor…

Hello @etcmike, humanity has already overcome several crises and I don't think the current one is the worst...

We seriously are in a economic war! I really agreed to all the points of Mr Jim.
Keep sharing such stuff.

Thank you very much for sharing information with GREG HUNTER, have a nice day

thank you for reviewing the news with GREG HUNTER

I understand that major logistics and supply comes from China and now well we all have poor relationships which china moreover the destruction caused to the business is major but repairable. we all will rise back, let's stay positive and factual interview.
stay safe stay home.

Todos ganan...

Quizás podemos decir que esta fue la mejor forma de que sucedieran las cosas.

After all lockdown world Economic development freeze.

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