What's wrong
With being a 'white nationalist'?
NYT’s Mara Gay: ‘I’m Not Willing to Let White Voters off the Hook’ for Supporting ‘White Nationalist’ Trump
I don't think that means what they think it means.
White: a race, generally Caucasian although technically Hispanics are white also. An accident of birth. No one get's to choose what race they are. If you have no choice...you have no responsibility.
Nationalist : one who loves their country.
- a person who advocates political independence for a country
As opposed to democrat globalists. One who wants the UN to control us one world government
So...White Nationalist means a white person who loves his country.
Is there a problem with that?
Oh yeah...she's a 'journalist' for the Failing New York Times. That might explain here hate for her country.
There is a really old book that predicted globalism and what is happening now. For those who don't know what book I'm talking about, pick up a KJV bible and start reading.
Book of Revelations?
Revelation yes.