Cough? Get rid of your flu or flu symptoms with this simple hometric

in #health7 years ago

With COUGH medications, the symptoms that are often caused by flu or flu viruses can disappear. But you can lose a dry, spasmodic or whooping cough with this simple hometip.
Cough can be treated at home Adding extra pillows to the bed can reduce symptoms
Sleeping on a deck chair can also make a cough disappear Consult a pharmacist for advice on how to treat a cough The cough usually heals itself within three weeks, according to the NHS. They are usually caused by flu or flu viruses. But smoking, heartburn and allergies can cause coughing. Some cough remedies can reduce the symptoms of a bad cough.

But you can also get rid of your condition by only using some extra pillows while you sleep, a doctor has claimed.
"Cough caused by a virus can not be treated with antibiotics, but you can convince it in other ways," said Dr. George Krucik.
"Lift your head with extra pillows during sleep."
As you lift your head, your airway can get extra breathing space.You can also try to sleep on a lounger. You can also help to treat a cough by drinking a lot of fluid, says Krucik.

Talk to a pharmacist if you cough, says NHS.
They can give advice about care, including syrups and lozenges. Go to the doctor if your cough persists for more than three weeks. If your cough is getting worse or if you have chest pain, you should consult a doctor. Salt water can gently release mucus and soothe your throat. Also try to add honey or ginger to hot tea to eject your airways.Relax your throat and reduce the symptoms by sucking on cough or using cough. dry cough medicine got avian flu nhs sleep time.