Vlog 447: Steem needs way more time to grow than I expected. I don't mind waiting but I do want to have fun in the meantime.

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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I have accepted the fact that Steem will need a lot more time to become successful than I initially thought.

It's not easy to see something that you believe in so much being crushed for the last two years but it is what it is.

I still love Steem and the potential but It's not as easy as it used to be to get over the top excited when I read about new developments.

Any announcement of something new used to fill my heart with a joy and an enthusiasm that's hard to describe.

It's still there but not in the extreme it used to be.

And by looking around I guess I'm not the only one.

Steemitblog posts about amazing announcements like the SMT testnet are received in a very subdued way.

I guess it's all normal when everyone has gone through the wringer for 2 years (downtrend).

It doesn't mean Steem won't be successful and I think a lot of people will kick themselves in the face in the future for not paying attention today. My STEEM investment is not going anywhere soon!

For me, I do have also accepted that for Steem to be successful it needs more businesses and communities than we have now and for STEEM to be successful it needs more companies, businesses, and communities that want to spend money getting STEEM (buy or lease) to pay for the resource credits they need.

I'm fully convinced this will happen. It needs more time though.

Market speculation can, of course, do with the STEEM price whatever it wants. But as a pure use-case and value proposition for STEEM I think RC's are it.

So I realize I had to make some changes in the meantime.

I want to enjoy Steem more, like I used to, for what we do have currently, while we wait (AKA have more fun).

You might have noticed it in my blogs. They are different. I'm mixing things up.

More gaming and movies, beers and simple blogs that I enjoy writing.

I also still post about Steem when I discover something cool.

It's a nice mix and a good way to Steem that I can recommend.

But you write can't write about things if don't do stuff in real life.

So in my Steem off time, I'm starting to work more on my health (I'm back to the gym and intermittent fasting) and I'm enjoying watching movies, going out with friends and playing old skool games and sharing my experiences and thoughts about all of it in the way that I enjoy.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

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Great to see that you are remaining in balance and putting the things in your life in perspective. Well done!

All we need is love... and steem ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

A few of my thoughts....
Many are talking about that steem needs more time to reach mass adoption and be successful and that we have to try hard to create good content.

At the moment there are a lot of "successful" Posts about Steem intself, charts, development etc.
Did the community of Facebook try to actively push the Facebook Platform? I don't think so. Facebook offered the right features at the right time with the right marketing, which people liked and joined. The community did the rest with sharing and more people joined. Posting about every nonsense bullshit. With the right algorithm usually people with the same thinking were linked with similar post. Profit.

I see steem like a niche blogging platform. Usually people with "different" thinking are using it.
But if you want to achieve mass adoption you need the "sleeping sheeps" because they are the mass. Would a post for example about getting wasted in the club xyz last night be "successful". I mean getting a lot of upvotes? At the moment, I don't think so.

Steem needs a direction where it wants to position itself.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like Facebook and I'm not using it. But we have examples of what worked in the past. So it should be used and mix it up with the nice idea of Steem.

I'm just a noob in steem, but this is what I noticed when using it.
What do you think?


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Would a post for example about getting wasted in the club xyz last night be "successful"

I'm not sure what a post like that would look like. Do you have an example on another social media of a successful post like that so I can compare?

I do think it has to do a lot with who posted such a post. If it was Beyonce posting it I'm sure she would be successful with votes, but then again she could also post something about a simple brick and it will do well because she has a loyal following.

I'm not sure if Billy Random would be successful with such a post on Facebook if it was his first post with no followers.

I think everything in life takes work and a lot of effort unless you are very lucky. Steem is no exception.

Like I said, I don't necessarily think the next big thing for Steem is going to be something that originates inside the blockchain. I think it is going to be something external that allows it to grow and increase the way it should. Who knows though, we are all just guessing at this point!

All reasonable words. It will take time to have mass adoption and the value of RC to came in place.

But the thing with crypto is that prices almost never reflect the real value of the project and the current state of development. So who knows what can happen with the price!

But the thing with crypto is that prices almost never reflect the real value of the project and the current state of development.

STEEM's market cap is currently 50 million. Is that the real value or not, hard to tell.

And you thought that everything would be simple? That was clear right away! You can’t think that the word “blockchain” can change the user experience that users of popular social networks are used to. There should be a collaboration of the our community. Each of us must develop and create high-quality, unique content with a soul! Stop linking to instagrams, patreons and facebook! Share links to your posts with professionals around the world, in different places! If you create content based on the lessons of a person, show in the comments on his video on YouTube how you did it! Feel free to show your content on the network. Use the steempeak.com interface for this.

Love Steam for Real! It will take years of work, but I believe that we can do it!

ha cooking with exyle! i googled it and this came up on top


that was 2 years ago, what ya cookin now? :)

It's been a while since I had a stirfry! haha. I cook all kinds of things, man. Pasta, rice dishes, steaks on the grill. fish. Plenty of content I guess :)

I am thinking the same. Invest when the price goes lower and I am happy if the prices rise but the sad part that is I won't be able to afford steem buy with Fiat.

Hey man, wonder if you are checking steem.chat, wrote you there few days ago, would be great to hear back your thoughts?!

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