My Daily #ULOG Entry: Ending my day with a broken heart... You're too good at goodbye!

in #ulog6 years ago



---The last word that I heard from you. The last word that have ended everything. That word that broke my heart into pieces. The word that throws away all our plans, our promises, our future together. The word that left me wondering my worth --- AM I NOT WORTHY?


I really thought that it’s pretty normal for couples to fight and argue. Yes, we do that, but we also promised not to give up from some petty things like that. But goodbye? Why would you leave me when you promised that there’s no one to be left behind? Why would you leave when you told me that you want this relationship to last? How could you? How could you leave me behind when you told me that you want to grow old with me? You showed it to me, you made me feel like it was real, like you were real, like I can really imagine growing old with you. Yet, it were all lies. Those were just your way of getting into me, of making me lose myself for you, of making me go head-over-heels for your warmth and love.


How could you? How could you say those words without even realizing how I will feel? I was devastated and I am continuously hurting. I am dying, inside. You have taken away my future, my beliefs in love. And along with your goodbye, there goes a big part of me – there goes my brittle heart….


I can’t send you of, for I couldn’t live without you. Hit me, hurt me more, break my heart a thousand of times, but please don’t leave me. If you do, might as well kill me instead. Because it hurts, a lot. I am slowly and painfully dying. I am almost at my edge. I’m in the brink of my sanity. I couldn’t be you, full of vanity. I’m leading to the path of uncertainty.


If you’re saying goodbye, then wait for me. This letter is my goodbye to you, and to everyone that knows us.
-from someone who can’t accept goodbyes.

Photos are all mine

Personal Acknowledgment:

@surpassinggoogle: Nothing can compare you sir terry in terms of doing and helping others. I feel so sad today so this is my entry to your @teardrops and i believed as you say that every teardrops would be rewarded


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