Application for Community Curator for November, 2023

in Steem Entrepreneurs8 months ago

Welcome to my blog.jpg

Dear @steemitblog

I'm here to apply to be part of the curation team for November

  • A brief summary of my history on Steem

My name is @f2i5. Joining steemit July 2019 is active again through implementing achievement 1 in the newcomer community July 18 2021. Friends of steemians motivate and support me to continue to develop on this proud platform. Commitment and consistent support of all forms of Steemit team programs through the #club5050 campaign, through the #burnsteem25 initiative and through the Steemit engagement Challenge initiative. Recently I have achieved 6x Dolphin. My consistency is to collect more Steem Power to join the next Dolphin.

  • Position of Responsibility in Steem.

I am active as a moderator of the Steem Entrepreneurs community. As someone who is trusted as a Moderator, I actively welcome and verify community page users with several categories that have been determined with the community team. Read posts, Check club status, Guide community users and support posts. I also actively hold contests with business themes and promo-steem. I also actively support other users on this platform.

I am the founder of the Steem of Animals community which is a community focused on animal stories. As the founder, I take full responsibility for the growth and development of the community and platform with new ideas that I want to develop.

My initial experience in the Curation Team was when the Curation Team was still being formed with the Team. At that time I joined the Lifestyle Curation Team.

It was an extraordinary experience when I was selected to join Team 2 for 3 consecutive months starting in November 2022 and continued to join Team 3 in February 2023. And my last opportunity to join the curation team was in June 2023, I also have the experience of joining Team 2 as a curation team in September.

  • Details of any specialist or professional skills or expertise I have in 'real life'.

Apart from being an entrepreneur with a shop unit that sells community needs, I am also active in village government organizations as treasurer. Involved in formulating programs that benefit the wider community. Active in various capacity building training for village officials and other training aimed at the welfare of village communities.

  • The country I live in and what languages I can read fluently.

I am officially a resident of the State of Indonesia and permanently domiciled in the State of Indonesia. Precisely in Aceh Province, North Aceh District.

I am very familiar with Indonesian which is the official language of my country. I am fluent in reading Malay and English.

  • My main stats - have SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegation.

The steem power that has accumulated in my steemit account is worth 30,912.43 STEEM with an Effective Power of 20,237.90 STEEM. The rest is in the form of Delegations that I delegate to the community where I work and to the people of my country, namely the STEEM INDONESIA Community, the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE Community. I also delegate Steem Power to the Steem of Animals Community which is a community I built 6,000 STEEM. My total delegation is 10,674.53 STEEM. My delegation is my form of support for community growth.

Steem Power = 30,912.43 STEEM
Voting CSI = 12.6
Reputation = 76.514
Delegation = 10,674.53 STEEM


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Delegated steem power

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  • Any subject I choose to curate.

I really like Lifestyle, Business, Travel, Parks and gardening, diaries and animal themes

Thus my application, hopefully it can be used as material for consideration.

Indonesia, October 17, 2023

Regards @f2i5


And it is a YES from me! ✔

 7 months ago 

Thousands of thanks mom for your support


 8 months ago (edited)

Saya, @neukyan sangat setuju @f2i5 salah seorang tim kurasi dari indonesia, karena beliou sudah banyak pengalaman dan sudah pernah beberapa kali menjadi tim kurasi, dan bekerja sangat fokus tentang menjalani tugas nya. terimakasih

 7 months ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungan anda

 7 months ago 

Smoga berhasil.di bulan november ini ya pak..

 7 months ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungannya bunda. Berharap yang terbaik untuk semuanya

 7 months ago 

Aamiin... sama2 pak..

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