Goodbye! Microsoft Paint Soon "Retired"
After 32 years of existence from one version of Windows to another, Microsoft Paint finally found the nadir. Microsoft finally incorporated the legendary image editing application into a row of software that will not be updated.
Users will not find the Paint icon again in the next Microsoft operating system update.
Instead, Microsoft will embed Paint 3D as the default image editing app on Windows computers. Paint 3D was first introduced in October 2016.
But the CNN report says that Microsoft Paint will not really disappear. Based on a Microsoft spokesperson to CNN, Paint can still be found in the Windows Store. One thing is certain, Paint no longer get updates from Microsoft.
Microsoft Paint itself has been accompanying users of Windows computers since 1985, precisely in Windows 1.0 system. Since then Paint is always present in every Windows operating system.
Paint is an image editing application with simple capabilities like crop or resize. Nevertheless, Paint was still widely used. Microsoft said until the end of last year, Paint users every month is still above 100 million.
In addition to Paint, there are several applications that are threatened to be 'dumped' by Microsoft such as Outlook Express, Microsoft Reader, and Reading List. Those applications are in danger of missing on the next Windows 10 update.
The first computer computer program I've ever used. It will be missed.