My dairy game 02/10/2021.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings from @faitht to steem cameroon community and Steemit family here I present to you my dairy game that content my activities today the 02/10/2021. Stay with me as I go through this article with you.
It all began with our morning devotion after I had woke up from bed when that devotion ended we all had to go out for our daily duties and I will focus with mine activities that I encountered for the day.
In that morning I when out to the pigs to feed them when my kid brother was swiping the sty I was mixing the food and distributing it in to smaller buckets for easy feeding.
I had to do same for the dogs to but for the dogs I have to prepare their food my mum had returned from the market with some meat for the dogs so I had to prepare Rice for the dogs with the meat and when I was done I felt them.
Then I when to brush my teeth after I was done with the dog then when I was done with the teeth I had to take take my breakfast and when I was do I had some rest and when I wake up I saw that some people were at the poll outside and when I go closer is discovered the were trying to rearrange the lights that has not been available for 4day now and so the light was rearrange and I spend time washing a movie since it has been a while so when it was evening I when out and feed the pigs and the dogs and had my bath and had my dinner as well am here Guys is the end of my activities for today I have it was interesting thanks for reading and stay blessed.


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 3 years ago 

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