the origin of sugarcane

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

The Origin of Cane Plant

Sugarcane is thought to have originated from New Guinea, and was brought to America by Christopher Columbus explorers on the second expedition of 1493. Today, sugar cane has grown in more than 70 countries, especially in the tropics, as well as in some subtropical regions. Countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific, southeastern United States, Mexico, and South America have also been cultivating sugarcane crops.

Teks indonesia..
Asal Usul Tanaman Tebu

Tebu diperkirakan berasal dari New Guinea, dan dibawa ke Amerika oleh penjelajah Christopher Columbus pada ekspedisi kedua tahun 1493. Kini, tebu telah tumbuh di lebih dari 70 negara, terutama di daerah tropis, dan juga di beberapa daerah subtropis. Negara-negara di Eropa, Afrika, Asia, Australia, Pasifik, tenggara Amerika Serikat, Meksiko, dan Amerika Selatan juga telah melakukan budidaya tanaman tebu.
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