Hopes for the endangered Borneo Orangutans

in #ocd7 years ago (edited)


Orang Utan is a native endemic Indonesian hominid. You could say that Orang Utan is already a mascot, talking Orang Utan talking to Indonesia. Unfortunately, the fate of Orangutans is getting sadder, shrinking population numbers, cornered illegal logging, burning forests and being pushed into the forest.

Mirisnya Orang Utan fate is indeed need a helping hand from many parties. Luckily in Indonesia there is the Foundation BOS (Borneo Orang Utan Survival) which since 1991 is active in conservation efforts Orangutan in Kalimantan.

Conservation activities carried out by BOS is indeed noble. Until now Orang Utans are in the care of BOS reach 750 Orang Utans. All are cared for by approximately 400 dedicated BOS staff.


Recently in Kehje Sewen, Kalimantan, BOS released the Orang Utan. After a long period of time, Orangutans deserve to be released from conservation can finally enjoy the wild on the east side of Borneo.

Kehje Sewen Forest is one of the perfect habitat for Orang Utan release. The ecosystem formed in Kehje Sewen is still natural and since this place is still natural, BOS has several times released Orang Utan in this place.

Girls, Hope, Raymond, Kenji, and Angely are Orang Utans released in Kehje Sewen. Joining other Orang Utans previously in Kehje Sewen.


Efforts to return Orangutans to their homes does not work alone. BOS in this case received support from BCA in an effort to release this Orang Utan. On 24 June 2016 BCA showed support for BOS's efforts.

Support in the form of donation worth 200 million rupiah is the implementation of the BCA pillar of the synergy solution. Jahja Setiaatmadja, President Director of BCA, gave the message that BCA as a banking institution also took note of orangutan survival in the wild.

BCA's commitment in this orangutan release effort does show how BCA's concern for conservation efforts. Not only this time, BCA has also shown a commitment to environmental conservation such as turtle rehabilitation in Pangumbahan.


With the support of BCA there is hope for Orang Utan Kalimantan in Kehje Sewen. They can enjoy their home, grow with nature and live freely in the wild. The cooperation between BOS and BCA is a good cooperation for conservation efforts.

A status of Orang Utan that is in an endangered status must be a concern of many parties. People must be aware and begin to participate in maintaining the existence of Orang Utan. Conservation activities must continue to be improved. People's awareness and endless efforts are key to keeping Orang Utan sustainable.

However the ongoing effort made by BOS is a noble endeavor. Saving one of Indonesia's mascots to continue sustainably, of course, support from BCA is also something noble.

It should be so, like the cooperation of BOS and BCA, the need for a synergy in order to maintain the continuity of Orang Utan. This is indeed a good effort that will certainly produce something good too.




Thank you for taking the time to raise awareness among people. We have the power to change things around. It's up to us to make a change in our activities and to set a better example for generations to come. Again, I thank you!

I really care about orangutan habitat,

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