Meet Reginald!

in #introduceyourpet7 years ago (edited)

We do have another recent addition to the homestead, his name is Reginald and the is a Half Moon Double Tail Betta fish (well, according to the pet store).

Betta is actually a name for more than 70 species of fish, Betta Splendins is actually what we're talking about here and are also known as Siamese Fighting Fish.

This type of fish is very popular as pets because they're very easy to take care of. They are known as a labyrinth fish because they have the labyrinth organ. The labyrinth organ allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen, meaning, they can breath just air - they can also breathe through their gills as well. They're very adaptable. This is why they can live in very small brackish type water bodies. They can also survive out of water for short periods of time, as long as they are kept moist, all because of their labyrinth organ.

Our roommate really wanted a betta a little while back, and of course, I wanted to go with to help pick them out. We saw too many we wanted, so we ended up getting this spare tank, so that we could have more than one! Bettas are fighting fish, and two males should not be put together because they will fight to the death - they're really picky about what other creatures they can be put alongside.

This is his tank. It's a 3 gallon tank, with a filter, and it's got a cool LED light that I can choose a different color any time I feel like. It's pretty cool how the bubbles rise in the middle tube to the surface of the water. We also got a real live plant to put in the tank and it's doing really well.

There was just something about Reginald that made me think that I needed him when we were at the big box pet store. He was the most unique, to me, of all the male betta.

When we first got him set up in his tank, things seemed to be a little touch and go at first. I wasn't sure if he was going to make it. We decided that we needed to buy a heater for the water, and since then, he seems to be doing much better. Bettas like to be in water that is 76-82 degrees f. I would have been really upset if he didn't make it - I was so excited to get him.

I am surprised at how much I enjoy watching Reginald. Feeding him is one of my favorite things to do. He also seems to get really excited about it. He really enjoys his water plant and I often find him lounging around in and on it.

We're doing some research to see if we can get him a friend. Though, there was a little surprise in his water plant! A tiny snail. We wanted to get him a snail, but I am happy to see I got one for free! Haha. But we are still doing some research on what we might be able to add with him.

My roommate currently has his male and female betta with some guppies, a few large snails, and a plecostomus (sucker fish, as I like to call them). I'm hoping I can give Reginald a really cool goldfish or something, and a female betta.

In other news in the area, there is yet another large wildfire not very far away from where we live. Thankfully this is considerably further away than the last three (those were within 5 miles from us). It's still concerning on how this happens so often and is pretty scary overall. The fire is within the National Grasslands of which we live, so it feels like it's really close. The smoke spreads everywhere quickly and our property was pretty consumed by it. My friend sent a video to me, and it just looked bad. Please be responsible!

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... Ehm, still have itchies on my face. Very annoying. Going to have to investigate further. :/

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Your homestead is looking betta each day. 😁

Bwahaha slaps knee

Amazing fish

He's really pretty. :D

Cool Beta! These guys can learn some stuff and they will even lay in a net bet if you give him one. They are non aggressive to most other species, be careful about tankmates that are fin nippers though. Another thing to keep and eye on is that one snail may quickly become 100 snails!!! I look forward to seeing how Reginald settles into homestead life!

Yeah! It's funny how so many sources say to never place them with anything else. Sad that they perpetuate that faulty bit of information. :(

Pffft, thanks! But he's at least BAD ASS! Hahah. At least he thinks he is. ;)

My mom just went to Bend yesterday and picked up plants for her 10 gallon beta tank. She is going to get a beta the same color as Reginald. Fires around here scare me so much! I hope all is good out there! ☺

Hi there!! Hey, are you interested in participating in a chat group for homesteaders?? - I'm there, along with quite a few other homesteaders! :) Would love to see you there!!

I just got my plant and betta at PetCo in Redmond!

Yes, the fires have been really scary! This one isn't very close to me, not like the last three, thank goodness!!! Everything good there? Dealing with the smoke okay?

I live near petco😊 I do like joining in live homesteaders videos. I am not much of a talker, but I do chat a bit. Unlike many steemians and you tuberiuns, I am not as social. I have learned so much since I started stalking homesteaders😄. It is nice to to have a like minded nieghbor near me. We are suburbian homesteaders in our fifties, and hope to get as much off grid as we can. I make homemade medcinal medicine, bath a body and cleaners so far, it is so fun! Thank you for sharing your stories, I really look forward to them!

I saw you join in! I'm glad you're there now! You'll have to learn to be a little more social! ;) just another way to learn even more! :)

I never heard of a person naming their fish. Reginald is a neat name for this unique fish. Watching fish in an aquarium is so relaxing. Back when my brother and I were young, he had an aquarium with a sucker fish for cleaning the tank, guppies (they were my favorite) and angel fish. The angel fish would kill the other fish at times and then kill themselves by jumping out of the tank; even with a lid on it. Hope Reginald gets a friend soon.

Hahah never heard of someone naming their fish? Is it more or less weird than not naming my chickens?! AM I BACKWARD?! Hahahaha.

Of course you are backwards and that is what makes you so special! :) (trying to read and type with a frickin' migraine...not easy.) Will read you other post tomorrow.

Oh no! Migraine! I'm sorry!! Do you have any lavender essential oil? Having some of that near you (not on you, you're probably allergic) may help ease it slightly.

Aw, thanks for trying to help. Not on me because I am probably right! Guess what? My daughter sells essential oils and she keeps trying to get me to use lavender and I keep saying no way because the scent is too strong for me. She rubs lavender on her baby's feet at night. I do love the frankensence though. (I can't look up the correct spelling right now. Having troubles thinking now.)

I actually don't like the smell of lavender much either. Do you know how many plants I have on my property? It's ridiculous. Lol - But less is more!! It might help. Jut one tiny drop on a wash cloth and have it in your room or wherever you relax.

Very interesting! But how do the snail and the betta interact with each other? Do they affect each other's presence in any way? Or is it more for the spectators on the outside (you guys)?

The snails eat algae and stuff so they clean up the tank mostly. They don't interact with each other.

It's a dirty job, but good to have someone who likes to do it! Less cleaning for you guys. Plus it's nice to have some variety of species to behold.

Yeh! I want to get him a goldfish. Hahah

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