Runaway Thoughts

in #teamsouthafrica7 years ago (edited)

We all want to be wanted - to be included- apart of something
We all desire to be be desired or be seen as desirable - as it has an indirect coloration to feeling like one exists around others.
We all need to be needed - responsibilities and all, we say we despise them, but live in a system that will inevitability move us toward it.

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Do we not all love to be loved? to be in love?

I have come to realize that when I do something for someone, as in be a certain way all the time, its because I possess a deficit of receiving it.

I am always in a state of self awareness. as if there is a deficit of people truly knowing me.
When I am in a state of being extra soft and considerate to a point that it is against my better judgement, its because I at times desire to be considered.

When I am super protective of my interests, I desire the world around me to be interested in me?

Often I have said that we teach people how to treat us, this weirdly doesn't seem to work by example but by setting boundaries and making sure that you do not make your statements hypocritical .

Respect seems to be drawing a line that noone crosses , not even you.

I find it really interesting that whenever, I click on 'POST' on the top right that I never know what Im writing about until I have written it.

This is me signing out for now... ->
Until Next time...

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Well... you do amazing things for not knowing when you start! The button is a little intimidating POST maybe it should say BEGIN or EXPRESS or CONSIDER.

Thanks so much, I love the Idea of it being Express from art to philosophy to opinion its all a form of expression!

How much ever we say we hate responsibility and worries, most of us wouldn't know who we are without it.

This is so real and true!!
Thanks for visiting!

To be accepted in a bigger group, we first need to accept our own flaws. Only then can we become part of something bigger, by accepting ourselves and making ourselves feel complete.

I think that there will always be a type of facade , even if its just being polite.
But in order to grow as people, yes we need to accept our flaws , ourselves.

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