the first harvest of the shop ♨ BILINGUAL

in #plantation7 years ago (edited)

good night best friend steemians everything....

This purple eggplant plant is grown from seeds purchased at the farm shop. The growth process is relatively fast and is now fruitful. Planting media used is the soil in large polybags. Watering is usually only done in the afternoon but because it is now the rainy season, it does not need watering.

Tanaman terong ungu ini ditanam dari bibit yang dibeli di toko pertanian. Proses pertumbuhan relatif cepat dan sekarang sudah berbuah. Media tanam yang digunakan adalah tanah di polibag besar. Penyiraman biasanya hanya dilakukan sore hari tapi karena sekarang musim hujan, maka tidak perlu disiram.




