in #steemchurch7 years ago


Story based on Luke 8: 43-48 ;

43 There was among the people a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, [a] without anyone being able to heal her. 44 She came up behind him and touched the hem of his cloak, and at once her bleeding stopped.
45 - Who touched me? Jesus asked.
As everyone denied having touched him, Pedro told him:
-Master, crowds that squeeze you and oppress you.
46 "No, someone touched me," Jesus replied; I know that power has come from me.
47 The woman, seeing that she could not pass unnoticed, approached trembling and threw herself at his feet. In the presence of all the people, he told why he had touched him and how he had been healed at once.
48 "Child, your faith has healed you," Jesus said. Go in peace.

Jesus goes one day to the house of a man whose daughter was seriously ill.

As usual, the crowd crowded around him and pushed him. In the midst of this flood of people was a woman who for 12 years had suffered from a constant hemorrhage. He had gone from doctor to doctor without getting anyone to cure him. He had spent every penny on treatments that had caused him great anguish and pain. But the blood flow did not stop.

Desperate, she thought: "Oh, if I could touch him, I know he would cure me."

Seeing Jesus from afar, he advanced eagerly towards Him. It was not easy to break through the crowd of onlookers who were struggling to get close to Him. To her, however, a single thought urged her: I had to touch Jesus!

At last he came close to Him and, reaching out, reached out to touch His cloak with the tips of his fingers. As soon as he touched it, the hemorrhage that had plagued it for so many years ceased completely. A warm feeling of health and well-being ran through his body. He knew then that, after all those years of suffering and pain, he had finally healed.

Jesus stopped for a moment, sensing that a healing energy had emanated from Him. Turning to the crowd, he asked:

Who touched me?

His disciples looked at him perplexed, saying:
With such a crowd that surrounds you and squeezes you, you ask: "Who touched me?"

But Jesus, knowing already who had touched him, turned to the woman, who did not hide her amazement.

She, trembling with emotion for what had happened, fell at the feet of Jesus and told her that she had been sick and had just been cured. He told him:

-Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be free of your illness.

The woman was not healed because she touched the garments of Jesus, but because she had faith.

He exercised the little faith he had, and the consequence of his gesture has resonated throughout the centuries: "Your faith has healed you!"

It is likely that there were hundreds of people in that crowd, many of whom surely also needed to be cured of something. The difference between that woman and the others is that she believed in her heart that Jesus could help her, even though everything she had tried before had been useless. He acted according to his faith. And the moment he made contact with Him, he healed prodigiously.

Activate your faith, like this woman and you will see amazing miraculous happenings in your life.