Healers of the world, thank you!

in #naturalmedicine4 years ago

This post is dedicated to a particular healer I wish to thank and that is Cuki, who walked with me on the hardest of times and has been gone from this Earth for over a year now. I feel her presence all the time and know she takes care of me. Thank you wise spirit for all your love!

Cuki is the furry white cutie on the left <3

To be a healer is not something to boast about. Boasting is the opposite of healing. Those that would strive to be healers must always be healing themselves. They must heal of the powerful ego that lurks inside which always seeks to take and not to give.

Healing is an act of extreme giving. It feels great to heal, but that is only because it feels great to give. As someone said “you only have what you give”. So in the act of healing you can for once appreciate what it is you have.

When you realize you can emit a warm calming sensation, when you find that you are overflowing with love, then you become a healer. This is not permanent, if you don’t take care, it will be replaced with confusion and anxiety.

Taking care of the healing energy is a poorly understood work. It takes tons of dedication and much inner struggle. Those who walk this path will often be seen as weak and lazy people because the thick of their work rarely sees the surface. Healers should not be concerned with this, it is a price that has been paid for generations to keep the world in balance.

Without healers this world would see much more turmoil, contamination would be greater and wars more abundant. We do not all need to be healers and life doesn’t need to be eternal. The destructive forces in this world are just as important though we may have a hard time understanding this.

In truth, coming to terms with the pains of the world is an essential part of the healer’s journey. Why take the time to repair what will undoubtedly break again? That’s a question that only the heart can answer and will remain a headache for logical thinkers.

Just wrote this to say thank you to all the healers around for each time they opened my eyes and pulled me out of the quicksand. There are some who inhabit this physical realm and others who are constantly watching over me from other dimensions.

I wish you all to meet with many healers in your trip through life, as well as the chance to know your own personal healer that lives within :)


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You’ve been visited by @agiftoflove on behalf of Natural Medicine.
This is such a beautiful and accurate post describing what many do not understand. I really love the way you truly explain what healers do for the individual and the world, and the price they pay for it. <3
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