Friendship, Golf and the Sky: Beauty of Daily Routine: September 4 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

Daily life and routine has a way of depressing one. But at the same time it can be beautiful as well. If you take the time to look. If you take the time to experience. There is so much in life that can be depressing but equal amount can be positive as well. Friendship, the sky, flowers, the smile on someone’s face. Here I share some photographs of my golf, the game I fell in love with over 20 years ago. Also, some musings on friendship.

Golf, golf, golf, golf

Friends and Friendship

It is said that you can choose your friends but not your family. How amazing is it when you have friends that get to be family. Few people have the opportunity to get friends, even less people have friends that become family. The conversations and sharing life, the sharing of good food, the sharing of moments.

The Sky and the Art of Nature

The sky was so beautiful a day or two ago. The spring and last of the winter, metaphorically, went into battle. The effect was this beautiful art:

Beauty of Everyday Life

Routine can be good and bad. We need to eat everyday, why not make the most of it. We spend so much time doing things that does not bring anything positive to us. We can take the time we wasted on nonsensical stuff and apply it to something like food. Not everyone feels the same. But eating great food has been a thing that I find people under-emphasise.

I hope you have some good friends, have some good drinks and some good food. I hope you are well and active and healthy. Stay safe!
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Golf,Daily Activity


I really like the pictures of the clouds, and could also do with a glass of wine and some grilled potatoes ... Those are truly things that fall on the happy end of life. I just noticed it's lunch time! Have a good Sunday!

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