Fishing Rod Broken, A Big Fish 一条好大的鱼
Before I wrote an article to tell you that China's fish pond fish, can not eat, because these fish are eating hormone drugs grow up,Many friends may not believe, that in our urban suburbs have more breeding fish ponds, where the fish are one to two years to grow up, growth than the wild much faster,These photos I took in a farmhouse, this big fish weighing about 30 pounds, the growth of two years,Normal circumstances, if it is wild fish, 30 kg takes five years, think about it, what things and drugs so that these fish grow so fast, But many people do not understand, willing to spend money to catch such a fish, if they know the truth, may only be fishing, will release
These breams size incredible, wild bream 10 kilos a long, takes 6-8 years
These fish eating drugs and fertilizers grew. If you want to eat fish, please do not buy such fish, these are used for fishing entertainment
以前我写过一篇文章,告诉大家,中国鱼塘养殖的鱼,不能吃,因为这些鱼都是吃着激素药物长大的, 许多朋友可能不相信,在我们的城市郊区有多养殖鱼塘,这里的鱼都是一到两年就长大了,而且比野生的鱼生长速度要快的多.
这是我在一个农家山庄拍摄的, 这条大青鱼重约30斤,生长两年, 不可思议吧,2年从鱼苗到30斤, 正常的情况,如果是野生青鱼,长30斤大需要5年, 想想看,是什么东西和药物让这些鱼生长这么快. 这样的鱼你们还敢吃吗?
但是许多人不懂,愿意花钱钓这样的鱼,当它们知道真相,也许只会钓着玩,会放生, 这些鳊鱼大得不可思议,野生的鳊鱼长10多斤一条,需要6-8年,而在养殖鱼塘同样是快速生长.
快过年了,这些人把鱼带回家,这些鱼从小吃着药物和化肥长大, 如果你们想吃鱼,请不要购买这样的鱼,这些是用于垂钓娱乐的鱼, 钓鱼人用不同的小药,用不同的饵料喂养,钓了放,放了钓.
Nice fish!!!!
Those fish even look like they grew too fast, lol. That is some fast growth.