A motorcycle bomb exploded in istanbul, Turkey.


Don't forget how powerful of a tool peiscope is spreading news and current events.

It is our duty to use this tool to shed light on "whats really going on" during protests, violence and the events that the mainstream news will not report on honestly or at all.

If you happen to be in a situation that you believe needs media attention, then give it some! We have the power and tools to make it happen.

This became evident to me during the Michael Brown protests in Ferguson, Missouri. I was watching Bassem Masri an amature video journalist periscoping from inside the crowds and riots. At one point he walked up to a cop and said something along the lines of 'live from the internet we've got 90,000 viewers right now, that's more than CNN!
In the video's description there was a bitcoin address that you could send donations to fund Bassem Masri to keep doing what he was doing. This made me smile!

Using crypto-currency to fund honest media is the way of the future and taking the power of the media away from the mainstream media is very liberating for the 99%.

Now the tough part about funding journalism with bitcoin is that you have to mine or buy your btc. With Steemit we can fund the media we like or trust with a simple upvote. NO OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES!!! That my friends, is the beauty of steemit vs btc donations.

Another beautiful thing about steemit is that they have a open source front end! That being said, maybe someday we make a news site that anybody can post to, then run steemit on the back end! This way people can upvote to fund journalism!

Ideas like this have infected my mind and much of my thought has been dedicated to this idea of what could be built on top of steemit block Chain. Endless possibilities lets discuss these possibilities in the comments of this post!

Here we Grow!!!!!!!


This way people can upvote to fund journalism!

I'd love to help fund a Steemit News Reporter Team that provides us footage and interviews of Steemit News!

@acidyo I'll do it! I think we need it!

Take the power from the mainstream media and put it into the hands of dedicated steemians.