What is MoonDefi?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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After its introduction, the MoonDeFi Protocol ('MoonDeFi') has acted as permissioned and a highly decentralized economic structure. Driven by Ethereum's vision, they have long been committed to the values of unauthorized entry, confidentiality, and immutability, both indispensable elements for the future where everyone in the world will send and receive money without fear of prejudice or counterparty danger.

Now engaging with consolidated incumbents regularly, MoonDeFi's progress so far – accomplished without the participation of the core development team after deployment – suggests that there is a significant appetite for unauthorized financial services.

In less than two years, the protocol has:

✸Funded over $12 billion in value exchanged by over 180,000 unique addresses throughout 4,124 unique assets

✸Safeguarded over $1 billion in liquidity invested by more than 32,000 separate liquidity providers (LPs), receiving $30 million in process fees.

✸Started to emerge as a fundamental DeFi infrastructure, with convergence across dozens of frameworks and applications.

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The Growth of MoonDefi/Coin Since its Inception

Having proved to be fit for a democratically governed finance system with a network that has flourished independently, MoonDeFi is now well placed for community-led growth, production, and self-sustainability. The implementation of MOON (ERC-20) serves this purpose, facilitating mutual group ownership and a lively, diverse, and committed governance structure that will effectively lead the Protocol in the future.

MoonDeFi has often adopted the principles of neutrality and minimization of trust: governance must be limited to where it is entirely necessary. With it in mind, the MoonDeFi governance framework is limited to responding to both the creation and use of protocols and the development of the wider MoonDeFi ecosystem.

In doing so, MOON formally upholds MoonDeFi as a public and self-sustaining network, while proceeding to carefully preserve its indestructible and autonomous attributes.

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Moon Governance assets

A community-run treasury opens up a world of endless possibilities. They expect to see a range of experiments, including eco-friendly grants and public goods funding, all of which will promote greater MoonDeFi ecosystem development. MoonDeFi has set the benchmark for automatic liquidity provision: now would be the time to set the standard for accountable yet radical, long-term integrated on-chain governance frameworks.

Grace periods do provide the MoonDeFi group with adequate time to actually educate itself with the governance structure, put together a broad and high-quality set of protocol representatives, and launch consultations and correspondence on future governance initiatives.

The holders of MOON are responsible for making sure that governance decisions are taken in line with legal and regulatory requirements. In order to enable this the fee change has been configured to encourage MOON contract owners to use to vote on the tokens on which they will collect charges. The Group is urged to work with experienced legal and regulatory experts before adopting any formal plan.

Conclusion: MoonDeFi is an authorized and highly decentralized economic system. Over fewer than two years, the Protocol has financed over $12 billion in valuation and shared over 180,000 unique addresses across 4,124 unique properties. About $1 billion in liquidity committed by more than 32,000 independent Liquidity Providers (LPs) and $30 million in process costs.

The adoption of the MOON (ERC-20) serves this function, promoting the ownership of the shared community and a vibrant, dynamic, and dedicated governance system that will effectively guide the Protocol in the future. MoonDeFi has set the benchmark for automated liquidity supply, and now is the time to set the precedent for accountable but radical, long-term integrated on-chain governance.

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For More Details About MoonDefi:

Website: http://moondefi.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moondefi_info
Telegram Group: https://t.me/moondefiofficialgroup
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/moondefiofficial
Medium: https://medium.com/@moondefigroup
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/moondefi

#moondefi #defi #crypto #blockchain #finance

Article by Anton De Mel

