The Birth of Siegnificance

in #siegnificance7 years ago (edited)


I am the youngest of seven siblings, born to a family where education is very valuable. As a son of a Lawyer and a Teacher, it was instilled in me that for me to succeed in life I must have a college degree. This is the main reason why I focused myself on getting a good education. Unfortunately, my father suffered from a degenerative disease and passed away when I was 14 years old, leaving us nothing but debts.
Luckily, I have a strong Mom who did her best to get me to school and I saw her efforts just to pay for my studies. Learning that my Mom cannot afford my College anymore, I took my chance to join the Philippine Military Academy and took advantage of the free education given to few qualified individuals. Thank God I was admitted and became a PMA Cadet.

A boy with a dream.

I was 16 years old, a 4th-year high school student in Manila who is dying to pursue a career, knowing that a college degree will save my family from poverty but without a scholarship, a college degree will be harder not only in academics as well as the tuition fees. But a person with compelling reason will find a passion and take action to fulfill his mission. Then I saw myself becoming a PMA Cadet.

Once your goal is clear, opportunity will follow.
Source: PMA

Now that I know what I want, I am ready to take action and get it. In the 1990s our world has limited access, there are no internet, Waze and google map. But my dream is bigger than my excuses. I invited my classmate to join me and apply for PMA Entrance Examination. We went to Camp Aguinaldo and find ways how we can apply. Things were not easy then because we were minors. At that time, the guard asked for our parental consent and he did not let us enter the camp. But a boy with a dream will find a way to get his goal. I asked a lady to accompany us to enter the Camp, she agreed and the guard let us in. At last, we are at the PMA liaison office but the deadline for submission of application form is on the next day and we need to complete the requirements to qualify. We were given by the officer until 1700H the next day to submit everything. And to cut the long story short we were able to beat the deadline and took the PMA entrance examination.

Great things are not easy to get.
Source: PMA

PMA Entrance Examination was the most exciting test I ever took. Discipline is already in the atmosphere and the standards are high. Before I took the test, my physical appearance was scrutinized, especially my height. Thank God, I was qualified to take the examination. After the whole day examination, my brain and body were exhausted that I was not able to reach my bed, but I slept on the table outside our home until I was noticed by my mother and asked me to transfer to my bed. That's how hard the PMA Entrance Examination was for me!

Good News, Good Vibes.

One early morning, my eldest sister gave us a surprise visit and showed me the newspaper stating that I passed the PMA Entrance Examination. I felt so good and I was relieved knowing that I got a shot at a college degree. My Family was so proud of my accomplishment and their encouragement and support boost my confidence to pursue my dream.

Being a PMA Cadet Candidate

Passing the PMA entrance examination is not enough, you have to undergo another set of test, a rigid physical and medical examination. A Cadet must be physically and mentally fit for a four-year training. Out of 10,000 applicants, only 1,000 undergo the Physical and Medical Examination. Fortunately, I was one of them. I reported in the Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center and undergone one week physical and medical examination.

Source: PMA

Another unforgettable experience.

The one week physical and medical training was a great experience. The series of interviews and the medical examination that only a Cadet Candidate can relate. A Cadet Candidate should pass the psychological, physical, physiological, emotional and mental examination to qualify for Cadetship. 1,000 young individuals from different walks of life took their chances to take a spot, but only 350 can be admitted and I was lucky to be part of it.

My shot for Cadetship created a great impact on my life as well as to my school. The school recognized and celebrated because for many years of existence they finally have a student who passed the PMA Entrance Examination and has a chance to be part of the Premier Military Academy of Asia.

Poured with happiness and love from my family, teachers, classmates, and friends, come great expectations. This is the first time I learned accountability. I cannot fail the people who gave their hopes and trust to me. Now, I am not only fighting for my dreams but for others who trusted me and to the next generation who thinks its impossible to succeed. Great responsibility lies on my shoulders now and I will not fail them, I must succeed.

Dream stealers: The people who think you cannot succeed.

Despite my accomplishment, there are still people who think I cannot succeed. There were some who doubted me to succeed, they even say that “Maaring kaya ng utak pero hindi kaya ng katawan” (“It's possible for the brain but not the body "). This comment marked a stain in my heart and thought me a great lesson that guided me through the years of my journey. Because no matter how good you do things, there will be doubters and haters who see the opposite, so don’t you dare give them a favor, you have to prove them wrong. These people don’t know that it is the brain who controls the body. The brain is connected to the heart and once the brain gets the right motivation the body follows. Always remember, never ever listen to people who think you cannot succeed and never take the advice of a person who thinks you are inferior to them.

Guard your dreams and protect your future from dream stealers. And of course, let God lead your path. To God be the Glory.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Always remember that our present condition does not define our future. It is our decision and action that matters.
  2. Know what you want and work for it until you succeed.
  3. Great things do not come on a silver platter, we have to work for it day in day out.
  4. The harder the challenge the stronger we become and the fruits of our labor are sweeter and refined.
  5. Accountability is part of success, we must work not only for our dreams but also for those who believe in our hopes. We must not fail them.
  6. No matter how good you do things, there will be doubters and haters who see the opposite, so don’t you dare give them a favor, you have to prove them wrong.
  7. Never take advise from people who think you are inferior and don’t listen to people who never believe in you.

Thank you for reading my story and I hope that it gave you the inspiration to dream and get it! No matter how hard it may seem. To God be the Glory.


As always, a very inspiring story of not giving up. Thanks be to God for always sharing your BEST (Beliefs, Experiences, Success, and Triumphs). Excited to read more inspirational stories in the future.

Thanks be to God for staying inspired. People like you @joshruiz keeps me motivated to do what I need to do. To God be the Glory.

Very inspiring po!

Thanks be to God for the appreciation. To God be the Glory.

very inspiring. You did really well.
Steem On!

Take some imaginary @teardrops (Smart Media Tokens)

Thank you very much for the appreciation. To God be all the Glory.

Thanks be to God for the inspiration.

I am thankful to God that there are people like you @eastmael who appreciate my story. Your messages keep me motivated to carry on! To God be the Glory.

Thanks be to God and to God be the glory!

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