DailyCelestialChallenge Friday: LoveBeautyFreedom

"Wherever you go I'll go"

There was a time of famine in Israel. Therefore, an Israelite woman named Naomi went with her husband and two sons to live in the land of Moab. Later, Naomi's husband died. His sons married two Moabites: Ruth and Orpah. But it was sad that eventually Naomi's children also died.

When Naomi heard that there was no longer hunger in Israel, she decided to return to her country. Ruth and Orpah went with her, but on the road Naomi said to them: "You have been good wives and good daughters-in-law. I would like them to marry again. Go back to your house in Moab. " The women replied: "We love you very much, we do not want to leave you alone". Noemi told them to return to their land. In the end, Orpá left, but Ruth stayed. Naomi told Ruth: "Orpah has returned to his people and to his gods. Go with her". But Ruth said to him: "I will not leave you. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. " How do you think Naomi felt when Ruth told her that?


Ruth and Naomi came to Israel at the beginning of the harvest of the barley. One day, Ruth went to pick up the grain that had remained in the field of Boaz, who was the son of Rahab. Boaz had heard that Ruth was a Moabitess who had been loyal to Naomi and had stayed with her. He told his workers to leave a little more grain in his field for Ruth to pick up. That night, Naomi asked Ruth: "In what field were you working today?" Ruth replied: "In the field of Boaz." Naomi told him: "Boaz is a relative of my husband. Keep working in your field with the other girls. There you will be calm. "


Ruth continued to work in the field of Boaz until the harvest was over. Boaz realized that Ruth was an excellent and hard-working woman. At that time, if a man died and had no children, a relative could marry the widow. So Boaz married Ruth. They had a son and they named him Obed. Years later, Obed was the grandfather of King David. Naomi's friends were very happy. They told him: "First, Jehovah gave you Ruth, who has been very good to you. And now you have a grandchild. Praise Jehovah for that. "

16 Ruth answered: Do not beg me to leave you, and I will turn away from you; because wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.
17 Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried; so Jehovah will do to me, and even add me, that only death will separate us from each oth. Ruth 1: 16-17

Have a wonderful day.
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:

Monday - Darkness


Incredible post, thanks to have you here with us @franklin07

my brother's nothing, it's a privilege and a blessing I shared the word of God with all of you ... thanks @bigssam 🙋