Is Becoming a Cop Immoral?

in #anarchism8 years ago


Is becoming a police officer in this day and age immoral? What kind of low life would be against the people who protect us day in an day out? I might be the one to tell you that being against an unaccountable monopoly isnt against the idea of safety nor security.   Unfortunately for police, legislation is not an exemption from morality. We must hold all accountable for their actions even government officials. However it seems impossible to do so because government investigates itself.  


In order to properly give a service of any kind, there must be competition. This is because without competetion there is no incentive to provide the best service. That is why a monopoly on police, law and coercion ends up being immoral.   Police enforce laws that require violence to be used against peaceful people. Even worse cage them for extended times like animals. You can not be acting morally while caging innocents over orders given to you by a politician.  


Police do not speak out against corruption, or unjust laws. If they do, they are usually killed , fired or publically smeared. This is not because of any other reason than the fact we are dealing with an institution of force and corruption.    For one to be morale they must not kill and extort others. Unfortunately we cannot say our police dont do that. Thousands of arbitrary laws with the sole intent of extortion. Some of these petty extortion tactics have even been the death of citizens.  


If you are a cop, you are saying if necessary you will give a death sentence over even the most miniscule misconduct. You are not an agent of security, you are the iron fist of the state. To act with such blatent immorality and disregard for consent is seemingly delusional to do while also trying to claim to be a hero. 


There are good cops who get overpowered by the bad cops and their work ruined. One good cop who earnestly tries to do his or her job can't turn around the perception of their local community. Speaking out is something they just don't do and if you think about it, a person who works 12 hour shifts and actually does their job only wants to go home at the end. That and obviously it is severely "discouraged" by the higher-ups as no one wants to "deal" with "dissent".

The internal hierarchical police system needs to change; the promotion process, transparency, reporting, etc all need to be updated. Training is horrid, gossip is rampant, etc etc. The things I hear from my buddy who until recently was a cop in a major US city are cringeworthy. I'd be surprised if anyone wants to join the police force in the future because even if they don't intend to commit any immoral acts (we can discuss the morality of enforcing laws of course, particularly laws that are based on governmental incompetence or judicial corruption), their good deeds will quickly become overshadowed and they will become disillusioned.

We used to have what is called "officer discretion", however in some jurisdictions this is no longer being exercised or being trained out of existence.

Your post was thought provoking . . .

My Thoughts ! ! !

LEO's are Society's body-guards . . .

Without law enforcement officers you will soon have people with chain saws and machetes walking around the streets.

Once the 1% of the super rich see that they will have the policy makers order in the para-military.

After spending a day with the National Guard, you will think wrestling with a couple of sweaty cops has been an exercise session ! ! !

Liked your article and UPvoted and I love Society's bodyguards more . . .

When, the time comes, we will see if they will truly protect people. Seems globalization is among us.

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