Practicing Yoga and A Sabbath?!

in #dtube6 years ago

The other day I made a fun video about how yoga ruined my life by making my butt bigger. It got alot of response, and I got alot of support for my new found troubles.

Along with the comments, I was asked to talk a bit about the conflicting ideas between how I practice yoga and still observe The Sabbath. Atleast I think that was the question.

Today I jump into my thoughts about what may seem like conflicting ideas, or conflicting interest. It may not be what you think.

As a faithful devotee of Jesus Christ, I find His teachings to be sound. When they are applied to my life it increases my connection to The Father. The source of all things.

When I practice yoga it is not a simple workout, but not a full on yogic practice. I do feel the energy flow. I believe that this is a way to feel grounded and connect to the world around me.

When it comes to how people feel, I believe it has to do with insecurity and validation for their own beliefs. I will never say something negative about anothers ideas. I think we are all too sensitive when it comes to ourselves, and we need to be more confident in our own experiences.

Be well
~The Yeti

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Hello my friend! :D

I personally don't see how doing yoga on the sabbath could be a bad thing, but everyone is entitled to their opinions, (even the cats that try to play with your microphone and distort your message). :D

I think its great that you can meditate and pray with more focus due to the yoga, I envy you that a bit because my mind never seems to rest and goes all over the place even when I'm trying to say my prayers and I always feel guilty about my lack of focus. :D

If someone has something that helps them feel more in touch with God, then I say more power to them, of course these are just my personal opinions. :D

God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

yoga is your friend.

Hey man! I know we have talked yoga in the past so no need to do it again here. Just keep following the prompting of the Spirit and He will lead you to righteousness!

You must have been listening when it came to doing the Biblical Sabbath! Although I'm sure like me you fought it for a little while! :-)

Haha for sure! It took a little while to get onboard with it. There was alot that went into it. The sabbath is the sabbath no matter what. The issue was the calender. Whose calendar. Also, the study of how Sunday became what it is today. Through Roman Catholic laws. ..

Here is some screenshots from the documentary called The Way. Here is a description about it..

The Way is the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like the Savior. They’re holding every church tradition up against scripture and cutting away anything that doesn’t conform. In the process, they encounter resistance from a religious system two millennia in the making, and for the first time, learn what it’s like to be a “peculiar people.”

What I am posted below was a part of the research I did even before I saw the documentary.

First up from the council of Laodicea

Then in the below book, which I have seen myself in person


Then in this pamphlet...


Now again you are already keeping the Biblical Sabbath but I thought it might be a good idea to post this information anyways!