What awaits you in your life?
As what peoples say that no one knows about what tomorrow brings. Yes, I exactly agree on that, no one knows and no one can predict what tomorrow's happened.
How about your life? Still, no one knows, right? Yeah only God knows what would be happened to our lives tomorrow. What exactly I mean in this article is that, do not waste every single moment of your life. Though we cannot control our feelings sometimes, like sad, depressing but still, we should not waste and we should enjoy our lives.
Even myself, I can say that I am one of the lucky woman in this world but there is still something different because I also have so many problems that need to deal with. All we can do is pray that God will give us a good future. Becuase no one really knows if what awaits in our life. If what tomorrow's bring. Might today we will die. That's why value all the time you have in this life or let's say We must value the remaining time we have. God gives us time to live, to deal with so many things. All those remaining time should be valuable, do right things and avoid wrongdoing because we just live once. Regrets and asked assistance for God if there's something wrong you made. God is so good, for sure he won't disappoint you.
Your words are right
Will leave every thing that has defeated your smile someday .. So do not be sad for what .. And do not worry about what will come .. Live the moment you are .. The nest of your day .. Yesterday ended and tomorrow to guarantee the coming! Only today is Manmalkh .. Live your day and take advantage of the experiences of the past not to live problems .. And concerns
love to see you cuttiest girl
Nice view.. what more I can say except the image?
Deal with your small problem... Value the time that you have on earth...
Hi swettie how are u? Are you still in Dubai now?
I am still here... (^__^)
Every Man Have Problem....Don't Worry....