#ULOG - Daily Thoughts - 14 May 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #life6 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

Sunrise 1.

Sunrise 2.

Sunrise 3.

Sunrise 4.

Sunrise 5.

Sunrise 6.

Bruticus says “Hello” everyone. :D

Leroy (1) enjoying his breakfast while Belle watches the rest of the herd in the main pasture. :D

Our handsome grand-puppies Tiny (1) and Shadow (2) napping in the living room. :D

While our lovely grand-puppy Lady napped on my bed. :D

Dakota was napping on the floor beside my bed until he heard me coming. :D

Candy (1) and Princess (2) enjoying a midday nap. :D

Pinky (1), Junior (2), and Lil’ Miss (3) enjoying a mid-afternoon nap. :D

Belle (1) figured she might as well join all the rest of the animals for a mid-afternoon nap too since Leroy (2) and all the others seemed to be quite contented to nap in the afternoon sunshine. :D

Is it just me, or does Belle look like she’s smiling at me in this picture? Leroy barely even peeked at me, apparently the sunshine makes him sleepy. :D

I told Leroy to turn around, so I could get his handsome face in the picture and this was what he gave me to work with, at least I got his face in the picture, LOL. :D

Junior (1) coming to see why Lil’ Miss (2) and Pinky (3) are making so much noise, its because of me, they wanted a good snout and back rubbing. :D Of course, they probably really just wanted their supper, but they had another hour until supper time so they were out of luck, LOL. :D

Belle always keeps a close eye on Leroy when the piglets are near. :D

(Clockwise from left to right) Joker, Candy, Princess, and Buddy enjoying their supper hay. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2.

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4. (This one is the reflection of the sunset in my car window. :D)

Sunset 5.

Sunset 6.

Sunset 7.

Sunset 8.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


Yeay finally you write your #ulog too. It's great to have this tag. Thanks to @surpassinggoogle who create this idea.
Anyway, you can check my #ulog too in my blog sometime@frostyamber 😇

I love the sunsets ,❤️

Welcome back my friend! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
I've been writing #ULOG's since almost the first day I joined steemit, I just didn't know there was a name for it. :D Yes, thanks to @surpassinggoogle. :D I will definitely check out your #ULOG as well. :D
Thank you very much. :D I love them too. :D Some day I'll get a good camera instead of just the one from my cell phone that I normally use. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

I was thinking the same way. You actually wrote your daily homesteading is categorised as #ulog post. It's okee. Now you already know this tag. Better use it every day.

Yes, I'll be using #ULOG for my Daily Thoughts posts from now on. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

beautiful photos :0

Thanks for taking the time to visit, read my post, and make a comment. :D
I'm so glad you like them, thank you very much. :D Feel free to come by and see more any day you like, I post every day, unless we lose power or internet connection like we did yesterday morning, LOL. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Seems like a lot of napping on your farm! I love sunrises and sunsets as each one is always unique. I missed on yesterday I could see like a pastel purple in the sky, but I was also too late! Darn!
I hope you all are well!
God bless!

Welcome back my friend! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
Yes there is always a lot of napping, by the animals mostly, although my husband has a 20-30 minute long power nap on the couch most nights after work or chores, depending on time of year and work schedule, and on the rare occasion I even get a nap. :D Although most times when I go for a nap I just lay there and try to relax my body enough to doze off but aren't successful, LOL. :D
I love it when there are purples, blues, pinks, oranges, reds, yellows, and golds in the sunsets, they are all so beautiful. :D God is definitely the best landscape, vista, seascape, and sky painter ever. :D
I'm a bit extra stiff and sore this morning but that's just because I spent so much time driving and running errands all over the place yesterday. :D Any day that I wake up, no matter how sore and stiff I am or am not, is a good day though. :D LOL. :D I hope all is well with you, your ministry, and your family. :D
God bless you, your ministry, and your family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

I get up a 3 AM every morning. Sometime earlier! So a nap in the middle of the day is wonderful! One of life’s simple pleasures. Getting very hot here, so a fan is required! Lol! God bless! So glad I have met you!

Oh my land, that's early. I don't think my brain would be functional at that hour of the morning, LOL. :D I've heard before, but I can't remember where, countries that allow their employees to take siestas are more productive. I wonder if that's actually true, and if it is, why aren't all countries allowing employees to take them? I know right before 1500 hours every afternoon I'm ready for a nap. :D LOL. :D
We use several fans here when it warms up too or we'd melt, or we'd feel like we're melting would be a more accurate statement. :D Either way, its not comfortable when it gets too warm here either. :D LOL. :D
I'm very glad that I met you too my friend. :D
God bless you, your family, and your ministry. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Well it begins to get light out here by 5 AM. I get up by 3 as a habit of prayer when nothing else is happening in the house. It also is getting pretty dark by 6PM. Earlier other times of the year. There are now big corporations in the US that allow siestas. When I worked in the secular world, many times I would nap 1/2 hour and eat my lunch while working. Lol! When I used to drive long distances, I used to get really dangerously tired. I would pul over and sleep. Usually 1/2 hour was sufficient for a full recharge.
God bless dear Sister!

Yes I've heard that Google has sleep pods so workers can nap or just go relax alone for short periods, which would be really cool. :D Definitely better to nap than crash, I'd do the same thing. :D
God bless you too! :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Where my family is from in Canada, they still close everything at noon and reopen at 1. Is it like that where you live?

No its not. Most business open between 0700 and 0900 hours and close by 1700 hours each day. Although some, like Wal-Mart and the grocery stores are open until 2200 and 2300 hours respectively. :D
God bless you, your family, and your ministry. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Today I prefer your sunrise, I love it mam 😄

Welcome back my friend! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
I'm glad you like them, they are harder to get because I'm doing chores at the same time and don't always remember to snap a picture, but I'm really happy with the photos I do manage to get, thank you very much. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Hello Frosty,
Looked like everybody was enjoying the sunshine:)
#ulog they are celebreties too. Hello everyone.
Is Bruticus the rooster? He is healthy hehe
My piglets are growing ohhh hugs everyone.
Hope all is well with you Frosty, miss yeah.
I enjoyed your #ulog post!

Welcome back lovely lady! :D Thanks for visiting. :D
Hello Sunny, :D so nice of you to stop in for a visit. :D
Yes they all really enjoy their time out in the sunshine and they all get very sleepy when the sun is warm and beaming down on them, like a giant heating lamp. :D LOL. :D
Bruticus is our white rooster, yes, he's our oldest chicken. He's almost four years old, which isn't normal for a meat king, but he's got a thirst for life that hasn't been quenched yet and he refuses to die. :D I guess we must treat him pretty good if he doesn't want to leave. :D LOL. :D
With all the fresh, raw milk they've been and will be getting until fall, they'll be huge by the time they're ready to go. :D
Its busy here and our "To Do" list is getting longer every day, but all is well and exactly as it should be. :D Awe, I miss you too Sunny. :D I keep missing you in Discord and I'm bummed that I missed our voice chat yesterday because our internet was down. :( Hopefully next week it'll be in a better mood and I'll get into Discord so we can catch up. :D
Thank you very much my friend. :D
God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

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