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RE: Morning People and why i've been absent

I've been sleeping quite terribly as of late too. It especially got worse after you joined Steem. I don't think it's a coincidence. We are obviously doing something that they don't like (i.e. Uniting) ...

I'm just gonna keep spreading truth and bringing people closer together because that's how we'll all get through this. Plus, I got too much work to do to be sidetracked by some nefarious fucks right now ...


Uniting is so necessary. My work seems to be Being sidetracked by nefarious fucks. It is so tiring i can barely imagine what its like for don

Just imagining what that dude has gone through could leave anybody with PTSD

welcome to my life, been doing it for years.

Thank you guys for the laugh. This is some quality fiction writing.

So is They Live. The main actor of which Rowdy Roddy Piper said was a documentary, then died not long after that..

both lozzmon & fulltimegeek need the support & best wishes. You have mine. Try to stay Safe you two.

@fulltimegeek you should tell everyone you are batshit crazy there are people on here who think you are working on some token that's going to save everything.

Try to stay safe. There are books about Psychic Cleansing & Self-Defense.

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