Narrative Network | The next Steemit Killer? | NEO BlockChain ICO! | NRV
How's it going guys to script about here for today in this article I'm going to do an exclusive for the upcoming ICO called narrative and narrative is website as narrative dot network in is going to be on the neo blockchain hell yeah and I am ecstatic about that because as you already know I'm a huge fan and just seeing these brand new ICO is coming on here they're of high quality I think you will find it very interesting so what narrative is it's a social media network that's going to attempt to reward content creators and moderators and everyone else who positively
influences the quality content on the network this is going to be a one of the there's a couple of projects that do something very similar and I feature those on my channel but this one specifically is going to tackle one of the largest problems in social media which are how to build a sustainable business model that keeps everyone happy both the publishers the platform
holders and also the content creators and so if you stick with me next couple minutes I will tell you why narrative can potentially be the next steam and also perhaps maybe the throne YouTube which we already know is one of the largestmonopolies of is actually the only really monopolies I'd say of socialmedia now full disclaimer narrative did contact me to do this review in full transparency they said you know you are a neo fan and we would like to work with you and I said you know what I like this project I'll go ahead and accept it so they are covering this just for the educational aspect so it is not a solicitation to buy or sell this token and make
sure you do your own diligence with these icos and so here we go on to the neo blockchain so first off I want to say a couple of things the Neil blockchain specifically is attracting a lot of ICS that in my opinion have been are and will be phenomenal this is in contrast to the ERC 20 model obviously not all neo icos are great there's some of them they're kind of questionable but I think narrative is one those that I think has something special going on so again with all your diligence in terms of I see you investing always make sure you are researching every single thing you can about and I will try to cover this as much as I can but I do understand that there are
there's much more to learn so narrative is attempting to pretty much the throne one of the largest social media pieces which are going to be steam it they're gonna be competing with steam it but dethroning specifically something like YouTube and creating a model where content creators good to get rewarded now the key thing here about narrative is that they're actually going to be giving out 85% of all rating to its users and one of the problems right now with social media is that although it's great because we all get free stuff the people who really
benefit from social media are not to the content creators in fact it's going to be people like YouTube or Google or Facebook or Twitter those are the people who get most of it because they own the actual platform all and I think we've already kind of know that and most people think that all of that is for free that you log on to these sites and all of a sudden you know you get quality information for a little price but little do they know that behind the scenes the ad
revenue really drives a lot of the platform usage and also the payments to these content creators and most of the time it's really built on advertisement so what narratives tempted to do is kind of change that model disrupt that so that the quality of the content gets you actually end up paying more to the content creator than actually using ads and so this has this has been a
huge reoccurring theme in the last couple years regarding social media as people think that these things are always free and also the content is going to be high quality because guess what the ads are paying for it but by not allowing the actual payment directly to the users you run into a lot of problems specifically with quality controlso what narrative something to do create
what they call the content economy the economy where pretty much everybody's in this ecosystem you get to pay into it and the users get to get that reward and it gets back into the system alright their website is really nice I can tell right I really love it's very creative it has all the things I want to get and it has so much information that I think you guys will find it enjoyable
so it's called narrative that network all right so what is the content economists let's kind of you find that for a bit content economy basically is a where users begin to govern the system therein so think of it as like a utopia for content right now the centralized systems like you know as already know like you to for example that I'm on which again it's a great company does not really reward the users the right way and every single users contributions and actions are
influenced by reputation so very similar to like steam it for example is that your reputation builds what number of users you get and I'm of quality outputting content you put and that's going to reward you based on how much of that you put out the economic motive is to reward all users who add value so again if you don't put any value into the system you get zilch or very very little and narrative uses blockchain tech as a basis for the currency that's going to be paid
into and that's going to be the narrative token and what that's going to do is create this tangible value by rewarding these users now moving along to number two the world's just going to be
different parts of this the first one is going to be a journal like entry and so this is actually called a personal journal so there's three parts and three products that narrative is attempting to do
the first one is going to be a personal journal very similar to something like a blog where people go in they tell their stories about what they're doing and you know people get people get paid into it and get rewarded be depending upon the reputation so it's very similar something to something like steam it now moving along what they're trying to do is kind of consolidate all the
social media pieces and I think this is really smart because as a standalone social media does not really have a lot of strength but we begin to include things like Twitter Instagram medium and you put them all under one umbrella you begin to really make this content shine the second
one that they actually have here in terms of their product line it's going to be things called niches are communal subjects that anyone can post you so think of like Neos Reddit's summer subreddits right and everybody has an owner all these niches have an owner and the reward goes to the quality and the content the challenge depending on what you're putting in so these are very specific topics that can get into and the third one which is going to be brands brands could be are designed specifically for organizations and publications who anybody can post and manage these content channels and do think that this is really important because as social
media it kind of takes and evolves over time next couple years branding is going to be very important especially for a lot of influencers and also for companies organizations all right number three house is gonna be fared for everyone so social networks right now run on are really arbitrarily enforced and they're there since there's so many different avenues for for policing everybody what this one's going to do is that there's going to be a scoring system that people are going to be using for called reputation content scoring and what this really does is that anybody who has any bad contentthey're gonna automatically get rid of them and then
they can also vote to give people who give good content a score and once that gets in its gonna get paid depending on what the reputation is there's also a member governance system where they're gonna be voting for a moderator content and an authority for all content so it's very different from what you have currently have in existing centralized platforms however what they do here is because you have to get elected you have to get improve you know committee
approval I think that's really great because they're involving the entire committee to kind of get to get that going so it's a very democratic type of model now in terms of why the blockchain narrative originally was on the ERC 20 decided make that switch and actually did highlight narrative here at some point talking a little bit about that but what they're using is a blockchain to begin to see that everybody has a viewpoint into how these decisions are being made and there's going to be a software that's going to publish these results which gonna make it really
easy people who don't are not into crypto you can always definitely pay and fiat to into the ecosystem so the narrative token will be used to reward content creators however fiat is going to be still as an option all right ready to disrupt so let's talk a little bit about how they're gonna be disrupting this the revenue sources are gonna be built onto the network so they really haven't they really have a business model where they're gonna be funneling money through a specific channel and then redistribute that back to the users and the users can kind of put it back in so it's almost kind of like a looping mechanism now so far there isn't any other cryptocurrency that's being support aside from their native naor every token which is going to be 50 million
tokens which is sorry 100 million that's basically going to be a pretty on the low end and what they're doing here is they're trying to remove a lot of the middleman in content creator specifically in a monetization now let's take a look at the current social networks and how they operate current social networks subjugate the user data and give them no control over the content of data and retaining all thevalue and I can kind of ouch for that basically what they're trying to do is remove that middleman and go directly to the source and we've second said we've seen a lot of projects that kind of do this but narrative kind of tries to consolidate all of them same thing with publications newspapers they always struggle to find content so if you're a writer or a blogger or someone who write who's working for a large company and you want a bigger share this you can definitely put that content up through the personal journals or the niche and then you can begin to monetize it so I think there's a lot of what called turnkey platform where there's a very little type of technical seal to get this up all right I'm moving on to the token sale specifically so the token sale is going to be allowed a 50% total and there's going to be a certain percentage obviously the pre sale has already completed their reason about 5
million dollars so there's a lot of demand on the on the presale timeline now also in q1 they're really gonna havetheir out early alpha so their alpha phase is already kind of done and by q4 of 18 and the year they're gonna end up releasing their beta so in terms of software development they're right on schedule by q1 or 19 they're gonna add the advertisers once they have all the the betas kind of all the bugs kind of fixed out and then they're gonna be introducing different languages to make this global okay let's talk about the team real quick now this is really interesting because this is a Ted O'Neill and it Rosemere our O'Neill are both the co-founders and I believe they're husband and wife so it's kind of cool that they actually have that let's talk about Ted real quick so Ted is actually a founder of social strata so he already has a lot of
experience here before in starting up companies and developing category leaning platform since 98 so this is not something he hasn't done before social stratas was also co-founded by Rosemary O'Neal just hopefully his wife not I apologize but field and she was actually recognized by various publications and also part ofthe social strata which was eventually let me I kind of did some homework on that social strata piece and my understanding was they started cupola which is another kind of social media category platform which eventually has customers such as Bo's Pepsi and Pinterest so they do have a lot experience I think in that realm since 98
so there are not rookies or newbies trying to break in into an existing market it's a very competitive market by the way because again you're going after some of the large titans in social media so this is something that they're differently in there Brian let's is we got a couple people and he's also the member of the city of Zion so we got somebody on the inside that actually helps out with that part on to the advisors we do have a couple of people in here that were kinda interesting Paul Allen is a founder of so this is actually pretty good so he started that company and then it was a also a keynote speaker and tech entrepreneur so again a lot of interesting key players here and also Sergey vasin which is the CEO of Black Moon
crypto and the finked it's also part of the Black Moon F cheese so we do have quite a bit of key people here that potentially can add to the experience into the network all right guys let's dive into the white paper real quick and let me highlight a couple of things that I saw we're very very interesting for the narrative token again if I think this is going if you missed the steam it bandwagon this could be something where you can kind of take a look at so so far they do have content I mean we're just kind of going over some of the things in terms of their product and then in regards to the reward so let's talk a little bit about how the rewards are gonna work so
they're gonna be giving out a lot of that back out into the into the into the user content creators and once theadvertisers come in and they begin to launch the platform so that you can actually get a cut of that there's going to be a lot more money being flowed in so what I really like about this is that 60% here is going to be for content creators obviously there's going to your organization parts and other pieces to that now they do have a hundred million tokens so again it's actually on the low end for something like this and I think that's actually a really smart idea okay
now what I'm really impressed by this specific project is that they already have a model for
how they're gonna monetize this piece and so the way it works is that they're gonna be using ad sales again so a lot of different social media always use ad sales to get and the question is how do they relocate that that profit back out to that revenue back to their community so the way it's gonna work that sales can be paid in either NRV tokens which is going to be the official narrative token or in fiat once you do the conversion they're gonna have to go into an RV regardless and it's gonna go into this reward pool you can also have channel ownership fees anybody who owns like for example brands they gotta pay pretty much in the NRV token and then they're gonna be minting tokens as well so that's all gonna go into the reward fund and once the reward fund gets in they're gonna distribute that money out to all these people and they're gonna just a percentage and you can also exchange it for fiat you can pay to get paid and fiat or you can be
paid in narrative which I think it's an awesome idea because most people say what would I do with NRV but can I pay in this and it doesn't really matter because at some point you can exchange it back out there's going to be a staking piece for the for the actual network so if you do stake it you're gonna get a certain percentage of the payout in tokens based off of the the volume that's coming out so there's thatthere is some sort of incentive to go in a narrative instead of fiha now a look at about the reputation score there is quite a bit here regards to the activity and the post I'm not going too far detail in this because I think that's going to be
something for another video and then it talks about decentralization and it tokens serves so half of the tokens are gonna be released which is 50 million it's not actually a bad number seeing some of the tokens are actually in the billions now and then looking at the tokens being released over time as you can see it's gonna be a little bit over a hundred million due to the inflation of the tokens and some of the giveaways are doing overall me I'm just kind of looking at the advertisement there's quite a bit here to to users to collecting network so obviously you have to pay into the network and the NRI tokens and to get paid out as well and so there's quite a bit of information here regards to the token sales and all that now here's what's interesting they're
kind of projecting a very large market cap for the users in social media and I do believe this because what's gonna happen is I think there's going to be a huge generation of people who are gonna be hooked on their phones and they're gonna try to get that to that point okay so the first question people ask is okay so what's the comparison between some of these large Titans and so first off the two main competitors are going to be Facebook mediumInstagram and steam it so they're actually going in head-on into one of the more established industries but again a very growing and evolutionary industry a narrative is governance system that's by the users in and Facebook medium Instagram or traditionals by the corporation and the way that it's gonna be
get rewarded is users get rewarded who had value and steam it it's content creators specifically so and then for profits for Facebook so again these are a lot of different strengths for each one but narrative is not technically its direct rival two-seam it content moderation there's no moderation on steam it however on the narrative token you do have user elected moderators or kind of clean up the space in case there's a lot of junk out there you can also export your data there's user tipping there's going to be advertising on certain ones it's immutable so as you can see there's a little bit of advantage over steam it and I do think that's going to be some of the more interesting ones so here is the section on social on social strata that were CEO of Ted O'Neill was there and just including some of the name brands that they actually have and there's about 20 years in here so overall I mean looking at a lot of this these ICS are coming out remember that in terms of the ICU investing it's almost kinda like VC so I do find that narrative
has a very interesting one it's something I probably would buy in just a couple of wallets here and just let them sit there I do like what couple things I like number one I really like the low supply count 100 tokens, especially for something with social media and this voting I would expect them to, actually have increased said that's number one I also like the fact that they made the switch from the year C 20 over to the new blockchain because of the scalability and transactions which tells me that they are focused in the long term game of the actual project by looking at scalability early on the third thing I like is the industry to try and disrupt this kind of crowded right now but there really isn't a lot of players that have successfully done it with the
exception of steam it and so I do think that narrative may coexist with steam and I don't think they're completely competent competition but I do find that there is going to be some sort of erosion away from Facebook and also from YouTube and and all these other ones are out there because they do end up rewarding their shareholders more than the actual content creators and I think that's one me one of them the other one I kind of really you know when I'm thinking about narrative specifically and me as a content creator I find that to be very very important it's the fact that we can build a business model around it and whether it's an RV token or whether it's fiha it doesn't really matter as long as the communities they're alright some challenges narrative can come up with it's definitely out of tape adaptation rates and mainstreaming these types of social medias now we really have steam it kind of getting a lot of traction as I was
mentioning before however I do find that that takes a while so it may be a while until we kind of get all the users up but I do think that they have something going and I think over time they're gonna fix it I just want to know when exactly at time that's gonna gonna be there now the road map looks pretty busy all the way 19 like I said before there you have an alpha release on the first quarter of 18 so it's something they're really working on and then there are actual betas on q4 of 18 plus they're advertising it's gonna start in 19 so once that starts picking up I do expect more people to jump on board and begin to start posting this stuff especially the blogs and the
Diaries and then you bring in those those those other institutions I think it's gonna be a growing ecosystem alright guys so hopefully this educated you on the narrative token check it out for yourselves again this is not financial advice and this is not endorsement to buy or sell the tokens doesn't merely an educational article for anybody who's interested in any of the net five tokens thank you for reading funb have a great day.
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