You have to learn to trust other people

in #lifelast year



Life has a way of teaching us a lesson, sometimes in order for us to learn we need to be hurt first.

One of the hardest things to earn in this world is other people's trust. It is not easy for other people to trust us because we have to earn it. It needs to be developed because it is not acquired by a single gift. There are times when you will need a long time before you get it. Although, there are also people who easily trust other people. But usually people who trust easily are deceived by other people. As they say, there are people who cheat because there are people who allow themselves to be cheated.

Actually it is difficult to understand this aspect of life. That's why I understand why there are people who have difficulty trusting other people because they had a bad experience in life. Due to bad experiences, people are afraid to give trust; maybe because they are stupid again.

It is also difficult to know the true intention of a person, especially if a cheater knows how to hide his emotions. There are times when you can see in a person's eyes if their intention is true or maybe it is deceptive. There are people who are good at hiding their intentions and you can't see it in their eyes.

In this situation you probably won't win. That's why your best defense is not to give full trust. It is necessary little by little until the true intention of a person is known.

Another thing you can do is to wait for the right time so that you can prove your suspicion. And when you prove that this person's intention is true, you will still need to be careful and observe the changes in a person's behavior.

Let me share this interesting quote from Albert Einstein:

"Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important matters."

My journey to the world of crypto.


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