"When you've mastered the art of deception, the only blind man you cannot sell a pair of sunglasses to, is the one who can see through you." -@futuremind
Surely you the reader has never fallen for such a primitive ruse, because your fair and balanced reporters tele-prompters would never have any motivation or incentives for deceiving you, would they?
While you decide which side of the political fence you stand on, there is absolutely no way that this could be an illusion of choice, there is absolutely no way dependency and fear could be exploited as a psyop against humanity. Such talk is "hate speech" in the free world..
Surely the measures being taken to protect your children are for their safety.
Surely nothing like this has ever happened before, surely there is no way our children could ever be mistreated by our loving politicians, because surely ideologies of how other peoples lives should be managed has never created any problems in the past, right?
That's probably just a photoshop image, nothing to see here, move along, isn't the 5 O'clock news about to start? Surely you don't want to miss what our loving politicians have to say, right?
I wonder what pops up on google if I search "art of deception."
Well that's interesting, surely I must be a crazy conspiracy theorist to even consider such nonsense.
Now I'll stop babbling and share some really meaty stuff.
All kinds of disturbing things in this document. At least I think policy planning which entails "population programmes" sounds a little disturbing, surely this is for our own good....
So much so that it's not even mentioned by our fair and balanced reporters tele-prompters.
(Admittedly, I do not watch much fair and balanced stuff, so if you've seen FOX news or CNN talk about Agenda 21, or any other fair and balanced reporter tele-prompter, please share me a link.)
I'll end it there for now, more to come in the future.
Much love.
"No nation can achieve this on its own", indeed @futuremind. "We the sheeple" (collectively) are not clearly understanding what is at stake. And this is no accident.
Google "dumbing down America" or any similar phrase and stand back, with all of the "results" which it generates. Decades of "work" by our philosophical enemies have been very effective, due to how impotent any "resistance" has been. I'd cite the docile response, at least initially, of far too many of our countrymen to the "Almighty" State's response to COVID-19 as "Exhibit A," in how effective ...
Through means such as deception, a handful of elite entities pursue their agenda of total control.
And I'm about sick of it!
For me what is more shocking and sickening than the deception itself, is how staggeringly effective it is.
To watch droves of people blindly accept their spoon fed reality, whilst the truth is put in plain sight as a mockery, truly disturbing my friend.
Thank you for your comment and support, I am watching your recent diary upload after I post this message, and will comment shortly.
Right on, have a good one brother.
By the way, is it late night or early morning for you? 0130 here means 0430 there, I believe.
Yes, 0430
I have some kind of sleep pattern disorder, it runs in my family. As of late I start my day at midnight, it constantly shifts, but I don't mind it. It's only a problem because society says it is ;)
Have a good one as well brother.
Sheesh, we have a lot of things in common. I've got short hair, though. Can't be bothered to care for longer hair :P
I worked at Domino's after high school, Friday and Saturday night close shifts. We took the last order at 2:59, finished making and delivering, and then cleaning and inventory. I was often home around 5am, a few times a week. A few years later, I was down in Vancouver for university. I went into nursing, and worked primarily night shifts, since new nurses often get shitty shifts, and because I could handle those hours anyway. I got out of nursing to go into online business (eBay and then my own website), about 2009, and became a full-time activist, gardener, content-creator, etc. This didn't require a return to "normal people" hours, and besides, I probably couldn't do it anyway. I work better this way.
That said, I have a baby nowadays, so I try and keep things a bit more regular, so I can be more regular with my care of him. It's working, although I find myself sacrificing me, in order for him to be kept at tip top condition. It's worth it. : )
But I did pick up insomnia (so even when I'm tired, I sometimes can't sleep) a few years back during my hard times (Grama died in 2016 after I cared for her in the home for years, family kicked me out quickly to sell it, couldn't find a rental in Vancouver's hot market, had some homeless time, then chronic illness, and now resentment toward my family for what they did). Chronic pain adds to the likelihood I can't sleep, cuz you never know when it'll strike (just about always).
Some good news today though, got out to that dispensary I was hoping to visit. An old buddy I used to deliver pizza with (I've moved back to my old hometown with my girl and baby) gave me a ride. And several seasons of the Simpsons on DVD in case I get bored as lockdown drags on. So @MediKatie and I have meds, baby's doing great, and it was nice to socialize (even though we both covered our faces when close, like in the car). I kept in mind the "urge to teach" thing we've been talking about, I think it helped me from going too far down that role unnecessarily.
Happy weekend and stuff! Sorry for the life story in a comment! Actually, that wasn't a life story, since I didn't tell you how it started! Allegedly (I don't remember but this is what I've been told), I was born in New Zealand (father's side is down there) in the mid 70s. I moved to Vancouver (mom's hometown) by age 1 and have only been back a few times, none recently. There, life story in a comment.