NSA Got HACKED so hard - all their spy-tools are for sale in a Bitcoin Auction! #shadowbrokers

in #hacking8 years ago


NSA got hacked and ALL their SPY-TOOLS have leaked. It has been a bad week for the "Police of the Cyberworld" today, but we don´t cry for them - after all, who wants NSA to keep spying? What an ugly thing to do!

Below is more information about the hack, and a PGP signed message from the hackers who call themselves "ShadowBrokers".

Interesting drama going on here and a lots of uncertainty and rumors, read on...

Read more about the hack here

Hash: SHA256


bitmessage = BM-NBvAHfp5Y6wBykgbirVLndZtEFCYGht8
i2p-bote = o1uHOkOcMoFEa7O7dbEilzfMvWzo7bDu~td3x9gYz4b4t5OriJ7U6GUWr5GZoWxQ9f2TrIY5RzhpIMVP6hTLXZ

Equation Group Cyber Weapons Auction - Invitation

!!! Attention government sponsors of cyber warfare and those who profit from it !!!!

How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons? Not malware you find in networks. Both sides, RAT + LP, full state sponsor tool set? We find cyber weapons made by creators of stuxnet, duqu, flame. Kaspersky calls Equation Group. We follow Equation Group traffic. We find Equation Group source range. We hack Equation Group. We find many many Equation Group cyber weapons. You see pictures. We give you some Equation Group files free, you see. This is good proof no? You enjoy!!! You break many things. You find many intrusions. You write many words. But not all, we are auction the best files.

Picture Urls


File Urls



Free Files (Proof)


sha256sum = b5961eee7cb3eca209b92436ed7bdd74e025bf615b90c408829156d128c7a169

gpg --decrypt --output eqgrp-free-file.tar.xz eqgrp-free-file.tar.xz.gpg

Password = theequationgroup

Auction Files


sha256sum = af1dabd8eceec79409742cc9d9a20b9651058bbb8d2ce60a0edcfa568d91dbea

Password = ????

Auction Instructions

We auction best files to highest bidder. Auction files better than stuxnet. Auction files better than free files we already give you. The party which sends most bitcoins to address: 19BY2XCgbDe6WtTVbTyzM9eR3LYr6VitWK before bidding stops is winner, we tell how to decrypt. Very important!!! When you send bitcoin you add additional output to transaction. You add OP_Return output. In Op_Return output you put your (bidder) contact info. We suggest use bitmessage or I2P-bote email address. No other information will be disclosed by us publicly. Do not believe unsigned messages. We will contact winner with decryption instructions. Winner can do with files as they please, we not release files to public.


Q: Why I want auction files, why send bitcoin? A: If you like free files (proof), you send bitcoin. If you want know your networks hacked, you send bitcoin. If you want hack networks as like equation group, you send bitcoin. If you want reverse, write many words, make big name for self, get many customers, you send bitcoin. If want to know what we take, you send bitcoin.

Q: What is in auction files? A: Is secret. Equation Group not know what lost. We want Equation Group to bid so we keep secret. You bid against Equation Group, win and find out or bid pump price up, piss them off, everyone wins.

Q: What if bid and no win, get bitcoins back? A: Sorry lose bidding war lose bitcoin and files. Lose Lose. Bid to win! But maybe not total loss. Instead to losers we give consolation prize. If our auction raises 1,000,000 (million) btc total, then we dump more Equation Group files, same quality, unencrypted, for free, to everyone.

Q: When does auction end? A: Unknown. When we feel is time to end. Keep bidding until we announce winner.

Q: Why I trust you? A: No trust, risk. You like reward, you take risk, maybe win, maybe not, no guarantees. There could be hack, steal, jail, dead, or war tomorrow. You worry more, protect self from other bidders, trolls, and haters.

Closing Remarks

!!! Attention Wealthy Elites !!!

We have final message for "Wealthy Elites". We know what is wealthy but what is Elites? Elites is making laws protect self and friends, lie and fuck other peoples. Elites is breaking laws, regular peoples go to jail, life ruin, family ruin, but not Elites. Elites is breaking laws, many peoples know Elites guilty, Elites call top friends at law enforcement and government agencies, offer bribes, make promise future handjobs, (but no blowjobs). Elites top friends announce, no law broken, no crime commit. Reporters (not call journalist) make living say write only nice things about Elites, convince dumb cattle, is just politics, everything is awesome, check out our ads and our prostitutes. Then Elites runs for president. Why run for president when already control country like dictatorship? What this have do with fun Cyber Weapons Auction? We want make sure Wealthy Elite recognizes the danger cyber weapons, this message, our auction, poses to their wealth and control. Let us spell out for Elites. Your wealth and control depends on electronic data. You see what "Equation Group" can do. You see what cryptolockers and stuxnet can do. You see free files we give for free. You see attacks on banks and SWIFT in news. Maybe there is Equation Group version of cryptolocker+stuxnet for banks and financial systems? If Equation Group lose control of cyber weapons, who else lose or find cyber weapons? If electronic data go bye bye where leave Wealthy Elites? Maybe with dumb cattle? "Do you feel in charge?" Wealthy Elites, you send bitcoins, you bid in auction, maybe big advantage for you?

bitmessage = BM-NBvAHfp5Y6wBykgbirVLndZtEFCYGht8
i2p-bote = o1uHOkOcMoFEa7O7dbEilzfMvWzo7bDu~td3x9gYz4b4t5OriJ7U6GUWr5GZoWxQ9f2TrIY5RzhpIMVP6hTLXZ


Version: GnuPG v2

-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----[/code]


Whilst this is amusing on many levels, I don't fully agree with it; the fact is, there are people who want to kill us because of the actions of our governments, and a hatred of our way of life.

I think leaking stuff that the NSA has done in relation to ISIS and all the other nutters is not so good.


Even if the hack is real, this is the golden opportunity for scriptkiddies to spread


In any archive/download. Beware when downloading such things.
Of course they'll instruct you to turn off the FW because it are 'hack' tools.

You've been warned.

Note: Not saying that @fyrstikken is spreading them! Just saying to be aware when downloading external 'hacking' tools.

How can we know if this is real? have you checked out the free files they've released?

Edit: I checked out the article you linked to in the post, and it seems to be legitimate. Really curious to see how this will play out.

everyone is checking it out in different communities as we speak. We will know more as time continues.

Keep us posted.

Lots of stuff is coming out. Maybe Snowden really did hit the dead mans switch when he posted the 64 hexadecimal code on twitter.


Man this is some crazy stuff....the watchers getting watched.

As a crazy/fun conspiracy theory, maybe someone at the NSA wants Steemit to take off, and knows that we are the only social media platform that will support this type of content without taking it down. This could have all been orchestrated in order to show how awesome Steemit really is.

Probably not.. but fun to think about :)

I think time will tell if these are the real files or not. Could be a scam, false-flag, or bait. A serious contender would send authentic proof and likely go through a 3rd party.

This is interesting, but not yet verified. Will keep a close eye on it though.

I'm sure some of it is bait.

Hi! I am a content-detection robot. This post is to help manual curators; I have NOT flagged you.
Here is similar content:

Yes @cheetah - it is called spreading the information, it is part of what is called global awareness.

Flagged. Don't talk to @cheetah that way.


Elites is making laws protect self and friends, lie and fuck other peoples.

The Engwish language has never been so poetic and twue as here it is!

:) So is Steemit going to buy it haha?

If the rumors are true, heads will roll.
First will be the security folks, who allowed a breach. Then the detection and hunters who should have caught the activity before ex-filtration of the code. Then it will be a hunt for the perpetrators. If they are found, oh my!

But the chaos will not end there. Because if the code is in the wind, others will be able to scour and break it down.

Source code would give researchers good insights to who wrote the actual code. For a while, DARPA had a fasttrack program which harvested a lot of external tools, without the pesky need of a background check. They were very clear, they wanted offensive tools. Knowing who wrote it will shine a spotlight on them and all subsequent public work. Might also get them a few more jobs.

One of the more interesting aspects will be detection of latent signatures. So, a smart researcher may be able to tell where the tools have been used, and against whom! That could stir up a huge international political hornets nest. Right before election time.

Wow. Again, only if it is true. I am highly speculative someone was able to get far enough into such a secure network and get all their most secret digital toys.

All I can say Is they should have known better

Good! Fuck the NSA. They are the enemy, plain and simple.