Lets Talk About Dtube UpVotes - Day 36

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I came across the most important message pertaining to Dtube or any endeavor where you have the opportunity to earn money. Thank you @dtube. Thank you @dtubedaily for all the support. Thank you everyone for watching. Oh.. check out Oliver's sign language at the end of the video.


Know the Universal Laws of the body and develop your own rules to go with them. Here are my set of rules and the laws that helped me decide them. The laws apply to everyone but the rules are yours to discover.

  • Rule #1 - Eat as soon as you wake up and Eat as soon as you finish working out.
  • Law #1 - When you fast or stress the body you release cortisol. Cortisol makes you fat. When you eat you release insulin. When insulin in high cortisol is low.
  • Rule #2 - Eat 6 times a day and every 2-3 Hours.
  • Law #2 - To control the the amount of fat stored in the body you must control you insulin sensitivity. Eating smaller meals more often and a maximum and minimum of 6 meals a day will achieve this.
  • Rule #3 - Every Meal will have a protein source.
    Law #3 - Protein is needed to build muscle. The more muscle mass the more the body will burn fat as energy.
  • Rule #4 - Only your first 3 meals will have simple carbs your last 3 meals will not.
  • Law #4 - Carbs turn into sugar in the body. Your body will use sugar in your blood as energy. As the day goes by we want the body to burn fat not sugar. This way, by the time you go to sleep, the body only has fat to burn.

Besides the rules and laws you want to take your supplements and vitamins + fatty acids. All these are good to maintain an efficient immune system at times of stress.
Getting a six pack can be stressful.
Here's my day 36 photo. Can't wait for day 42 because I'm taking a week off the program. A planed week off that is.


I work out 6 out of every 7 days. Rest day falls on what ever day of the week that falls on. I don't do a Monday through Sunday schedule. This way I workout the same muscle groups every 5 days.

Day 1 - Chest and Back
Day 2 - Biceps and Triceps
Day 3 - Cardio (30 Minutes on treadmill) and Ab workout (nothing amazingly difficult)
Day 4 - Legs
Day 5 - Rest day (not as much fun as you think...because the day before was leg day)

Big thanks to
Please go follow them! Let them know @gabbyg86 sent you.

▶️ DTube

Dtube is the amazing video sharing site that allows you to watch videos on high of the IPFS Network. Moreover, allows earning rewards from your uploads......thats fantastic.....

Exactly, Im in a very hard place no money no job american living in philippines. This is the best job i ever had and i yet to get paid.

Speaking of upvotes Ozzie, I just powered up, as you were the first person to upvote me you have the honor of my first vote :-) (after my power up)

Spend it wisely my friend and not all in one shop :-)

I'm honored my friend. Thank you so much. I'm happy we have an opportunity to support each other and help each other grow here on steemit and dtube. Here's to shared success!

Happy to get to know you through steemit , im yet to join dtube ill do that very soon bcos of the contents i found through you. Thanks alot.

That was very nice of you. Thanks.

aaaah i knew it, when you said it's a bad day....that pause....tears shed for the missing burritos :) I agree with your dtube talk at the end, I feel better being on these platforms, motivated and pushing to work and touch on people :) let's push it to the sky!

We are becoming better people G! Keep pushing for sure.

"Let's Stop on focusing on what you getting and start focusing on what you becoming" Realy wise words Man! Totally!

Bless :)

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