Sick Puppy: Colloidal Silver to the Rescue!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago

We had a sick puppy last night. 

It was lethargic, somewhat unresponsive, and its eyes were starting to gloss over. 

It did not want to join its family in eating or play.

Per @quinneaker's suggestion, @saramiller gave it a few drops of Garden of Eden's 100 ppm colloidal silver. 


This morning, the puppy was 100% back to normal!! It is eating, drinking, and playing. It is quite alert and its eyes are bright. 

While we were all relieved to see this wonderful and super quick turn around, Mama Eden was especially happy!

Colloidal silver is one of the almost miracle products we have found for protecting and restoring health, and this is just one more testimony to it's incredible efficacy! 

It is a safe, effective, gentle, non-toxic, non-pharmaceutical antibiotic that has been used for hundreds of years--although the healing properties of silver have been well known to humanity for more like thousands of years (look up the oligodynamic effect)! It can eradicate bacteria, viruses, and fungus--which are the basis for almost every disease known to man. 

This is why colloidal silver is our go-to treatment at the first sign of a lowered immune system for any creature on our property, and why we provide this awesome supplement to our network and share extensive education about it.

We know that every aspect of life is better when you are healthy, so it is an honor for us to share the natural, safe, holistic options we find for activating full thrival. 

Here's more info we've already shared on Steemit about colloidal silver:

If you want to know even more about it or order some to keep in your own medicine chest, check out our website.

Hooray for healthy LIFE!!! 

 *This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.


Colloidale silver is so great !! I use it for more than 10 years now for virtually all the health problems of my small family such as injuries, colds, infection, etc ... It's so effective! My animals also benefit when they need it! I use a solution at 15 ppm and sometimes 25 ppm, but I see yours is 100 ppm! I have never seen colloidal silver on sale here in Canada with such concentration ... 100 ppm this must be even more effective! I will go see on your website, maybe by placing an order of several items, the shipping costs will not be too important. Thank you for sharing, I am very happy for this little puppy and his mom !!!

So glad. I love dogs!!

Another great success story!

I am a huge believer in colloidal silver. I am VERY happy to see post like this on Steemit :)

Thanks for the support and comment!
Together we can pave a new future!

I am now following you too. I look forward to more of your post. May the silver be with us!


hahahaha may it be so indeed!

Oh God!
What to say!
Keep wonder post
Upvoted for you
Keep it up dear

We're celebrating this success story!

There are so many testimonials and research about how Colloidal Silver has helped the experience of a healthy existence. I have used it on myself and children for years and years for many ailments and to boost our immune systems. I'm really glad this information is being shared as healthful alternatives to pharmaceuticals that can actually damage your health. Great job @gardenofeden!

Nice story! Lovely dogs!

I'm so happy your puppy made a full recovery! The photo of puppy and Mama is precious! I've found colloidal silver to be very effective for minor infections.

Yes we are definitely rejoicing today! Thanks for sharing your experience with CS. We've used it for a range of ailments with great success.

oh my goodness! I need puppy snuggles. Glad puppy is feeling better. Mama looks so pleased! Awww

hhhahhahaa yea SOOO cute!

Don't give crap like that to your dog. You couldn't possibly know what you're doing. If it really is sick take it to the vet. I'm disgusted by your ignorance.

Many people are unaware of incredible, healthful, beneficial alternatives to well-being, as they have turned over their own power to those who know about medicine, not about health. Limiting our choices by what we have been taught to believe instead of investigating and taking responsibility for our own experiences, has gotten humanity into a very sick, sad, depressed, angry and defensive state. Ignorance is a state of mind often caused by being stuck in dysfunctional programming. Being open to new (and old tried and true) possibilities gives rise to empowered living. I hope you take this opportunity to investigate Colloidal Silver @barncat. It may one day save your life!

Another benevolent response!

Grateful to contribute and this is definitely worth a deeper look. So many simple answers to "problems" we think only "experts" know. Isn't it great that we are becoming "experts" ourselves!


Who needs a vet when you have a more effective, safer, cheaper, and more accessible solution? That's the point--we're sharing effective alternatives for people such as yourself who did not know that there many successful options for protecting health.

The results speak for themselves, as do the hundreds of experiences and testimonials we have observed, and the hundreds of hours of research we have on colloidal silver.

You obviously have no experience with colloidal silver, but it is libelous to call US ignorant on it.

Very good reply to an obviously ignorant and judgmental lost soul. Glad you responded first and not I or I may have put em in his place.


hermoso perro, saludos, espero tu ayuda en mi blog

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