One Last Time Before It Officially Ends


The Christmas season will officially end today with the Baptism of the baby Jesus at the river Jordan. After today we begin to take down all our yuletide decorations until November or December when we start putting them all up again. So for the last time before they are turned off and taken down we look at them for the last time this season.

Our Nativity Scene


Our Welcome To Our Home Greeting


Our Candle Array


Our Receiving Area Display


Our Christmas Tree


It officially ends today but it doesn't mean it ends in our hearts and minds as well. Although we pack all our Christmas decor up we must continue to live the spirit of Christmas everyday of the year, decoration or no decoration. And so, instead of saying goodbye let us greet one and all A Merry Christmas Everyday!

348 days to go . . . .

Thanks for dropping by. God bless you all.

(All pictures taken from my J2 Prime Samsung.)