Is the internet really free?

in #zzan5 years ago (edited)

Is the internet really free?

Over 3.8 billion people around the world have access to the Internet and many people are beginning to consider this access to be a basic human right. As the Internet has become more and more powerful and widespread governments and organizations have adopted various techniques for keeping users safe, but in some cases, they've also implemented ways of keeping an eye on people, some even going so far as to suppress information or limit access to parts of the web.

More and more often we hear stories of large corporations or the government tracking our browsing habits, and people are beginning to wonder just how free the internet is?

Since very early in the days of the World Wide Web governments have sought to implement certain restrictions on what can and cannot be accessed in their country or region, and many schools in the West often did the same for different reasons.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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