RE: Terimakasih my friend, I love you!
Hi Jaynie
I have not been steeming lately, I have been struggling .... too much.
I attempt to do those things that I would do and post, to constitute a day lived and validate the next, but I often leave them incomplete or posting them too proves challenging.
I have written several opening rambles here and deleted and started over...
I have nothing that equates to what I want to express. I want to reach inside my chest and grab a tangible piece of myself and offer it up as testament to how @wales weaved his words, cutting through the nonsense that was the every day, to connect to the very soul of things.
I haven't posted but I have occasionally jumped online to peek at some inspiration.
To put forward my 2c worth and say hi. The connections are as real as any in my tangible environment, and I feel like a doorway is always there waiting.
I remember the first time I came across Dean's work. It was a remarkable trip down the rabbit hole, or rather in Mr Moriarty's case, a tumble out of bed and onto the ceiling.
I attempted a response piece, and enjoyed writing to him. But who could keep up with such a mind?
You mentioned in a comment some reflections on the last time you spoke. Although you reflect on what you would have said if you knew, I believe you had a unique opportunity to know him. He had a talent for revealing his perspectives, observations and vulnerabilities in the subtext of cleverly constructed obscurity. These wonderful tales often dismissed as rambling are like a treasure hunt, with hidden layers of meaning and messages to be found if you took the time to read.
I have come across this news by chance, and am finding it difficult to label my response.
As I said I occasionally log in to connect, as you know my world is limited. I liked the parallels that wales held. As vulnerable as he was strong. Humble and bold. Sensitive and unapologetically impulsively wordy. Open and guarded all at once.
I found myself needing to take the time to read and reread a fable about the favoured or feared nightshades, deadly or desired, and analyse the intended message. Then wondering if the joke was on me for reading to much into what he would then dismiss as nonsense, and then I'd again wonder if that was a challenge to try harder to access the enigma.
So if you my dear were considered a true friend, and had the opportunity to chat and truly know each other, then I believe you would have earned that trusted relationship, an important one.
One of the last times I was on the block, I did write him a message. I too wonder about it. Written 3 months ago, I have been in a world of my own this year.
This is what I wrote x
I never tire of your words. You are a magical person. I still remember the first time I discovered you. You had tumbled from the ceiling or was it from the floor to the ceiling? It doesn't matter, that is the beauty of your world. The ceiling a much more interesting and logically intriguing place to venture t'wards if one indeed does find themselves in a tumble. Anyone can fall out of bed and land on the floor, but your ceiling tumble is a potential gateway to endless possibilities. Please keep the adventures coming. I appreciate them more than you know. I think. But that is presumptuous of me to assume what it is you may or may not know. But if perchance you didn't know or perhaps forgot. You are magical and you are important. Life can feel void of magic or even solace, but I know I can always find shelter in the world you weave with words. A retreat to somewhere. A place not void of reality but content to accept it in all of it's absurdity and turn it in it's head to get a look at it from another angle. Sometimes that is all that is required. A shuffling of furniture so to speak.
Thank you.
His response
You are most welcome and I'm glad you like what I write, I shall endeavour to carry on...
He left us a treasure trove of words, they are a gift that will aways be waiting for you to rediscover on the blockchain. In my mind they were never fully recognised for what they are, prophetic. He never self promoted his vast publications either.
I'd like to say I knew him well. But I didn't really. But his insights into the agony and ecstasy of humanity had me feel like he knew me, and had me wish to truly know him better.
Just as I didn't know how to start here, I find myself inadequate in signing off.
I once again wish I could send you my heart. Or some worthy wit, insight or comfort.
So instead I have lifted this from his last post.
I've been here for a very long time, and if I wasn't a survivor by now then I wouldn't be here at all; and if I didn't have wings how would I ever know how to fly...
...I didn’t know if I had change or was an eagle flying, but, please, I’ll go with you anywhere. So anyway, after I broke out, my light bulb didn’t work, and the front wheel was almost flat, but, what the hell, I said, and ran off home before it got too dark.