The Diary Game| 10/10/21| "Empowering Women" by @glenicelou27 (10% to @steemwomenclub)

Hi there my steemian friends, how are you all doing? It's been a long time and I am excited share my insights today.

Let me start with my simple introduction, I am Glenice a public school teacher and currently teaching in the Philippines.


Teaching is my chosen field because this was the program my family has chosen for me because of this what we can do and what we can afford. But beyond this uniform I am wearing is another identity I have when I am not inside the four walls of the classroom.



Firstly, I am a breadwinner of my family which consist of 8 members, I have to work at school at the same time make sure that every cents will come in day by day in our house. So I decided to open my small stall in front of our house to sell goods and earn pennies for daily needs. Aside from that small stores like this is very benificial to us when it comes to grocery items.

Secondly, as A teacher and a lady, their expectations on my behaviour is too high. Per them I should act as a teacher as well as a lady because that is the norm, However I am being judged with my preferences. I decided to have a tattoo on my body as a reward for my hardwork, I decided to have multiple pierces on my ears as a reminder that I am sane and I am still feeling the pain. I decided to color my hair red, because it's what makes me happy. I have heard people around me badmouthed me because of my choices, but this is me, I am a teaching with all my heart and I am a lady who needs to loveherself the way I wanted.

Thirdly, I am the eldest child, being one is tough but I am grateful I am the eldest. I realized that being the eldest is an opportunity for me to guide and faciliate the house when our guardian is not around, through this I developed my decision making skills and practicial skills.

Lastly, I am a woman who needs to be loved, and wanted to be loved, I am a woman who can make decisions not only for herself but also for her loved ones, I am a woman who can lead with a heart. I am a woman who has a strong will to pursue what she believes.

Thank you so much and be proud of your identity.. Have a nice evening everyone..



 3 years ago 

Ka kugihan sa dalaga.

 3 years ago 

kugihan kaau mam...

kanang kinamaguwangan ta maam hehe

 3 years ago 

i feel you mam... Bsan minyo nako dako japon responsibity as the eldest

lage maam pero laban lang ☺️

Congratulations dear @glennicelou27, your post has been selected as one of the active post for the day. Keep being active

thank you for the support ☺️☺️

super exciting diary...

 3 years ago 

laban kababaihan🙂


thank you so much ☺️

 3 years ago 

You are right, love is life and one of the beautiful feeling of the World

thank you ☺️☺️

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