Gold Bugs Read This! Everyone Should Read This! Weird Shit is Going On!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Credit: The Telegraph

First of all I'm not a nutcase. I don't believe in most conspiracies. I'm not a flat earther, I don't believe that Bush was responsible for 9/11 and I do think we landed on the moon. Don't let me lose you with that though just try to follow along..

Ok guys, so we all know there hasn't been a proper audit of the U.S Federal Gold Reserves at Fort Knox for 6 decades. 1953 was the last thorough audit. That is just a fact.

There's many conspiracy theorists that believe the gold has long since been sold off. Either to fund wars or to keep the U.S dollar propped up. For the most part the majority of Americans don't know anything about gold, the gold reserves or the importance of why a country needs to have gold, so the government doesn't feel much pressure to reveal what is actually there.

Just incase anyone stumbles onto this and is asking themselves, "why does a country even need gold?" I'll take a minute to answer that for you.

Paper currency isn't worth shit. If the dollar fails like fiat currency does you have the wealth of gold to keep your country afloat. Gold is a currency in every corner of the world. It's been that way since the dawn of modern civilization, that will never change. During WW1 and WW2 many countries moved their gold to Canada and the USA to keep it safe, so if their countries were over riden and looted they'd have the gold afterwards to try to rebuild their nations. So in summary gold is the most important security net a country can have. It's always been that way and always will.

Moving forward, why haven't they done a proper and thorough audit you have to ask yourself? The government audits everything. They audit how many pens and staplers their offices have, they audit how many guns and bullets the army has, so why wouldn't they account for their gold reserves?

There's only two possible outcomes here;

The golds still all there
The golds not all there

Anyone at all affiliated with gold knows that a few years ago Germany tried to repatriate their gold the U.S was storing for them. At first the reserve was sputtering and dragging their feet in fulfilling thier demand, then they said they'd slowly begin giving it back in installments. This set off red flags again. If they had such large stores of gold, plus other countries gold why wouldn't they just return Germany's in full? Apparently now though Germany has recieved thier gold after a couple years waiting, 300 tonnes. This is all fishy though, follow me still..

So after this debacle a small minority of people were calling for more accountability and an audit finally of the federal gold reserves again. That ofcourse never happened.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and Federal Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin posts a selfie of himself standing infront of a reserve vault filled with what looked like gold bars. Why did he feel the need to post a selfie to social media I'm not sure exactly? Enter the conspiracy theories again.

To me the gold didn't even appear to be the right color. I've read most of the gold bars in storage aren't pure gold, they're cast from melted down old coinage that was around .900 fine gold content. There is supposed to be many vaults not just one small vault with weird colored gold though, so that one picture doesn't prove anything other than its weird they felt the need to get Mnuchin to pose for it.

Will there ever be an actually third party audit and a publicly disclosed report on the gold reserves in America's possession is anyone's guess? After 6 decades of not I'd say the chances of it are not very good.

And here's where it gets even more fishy..

I just read a report in USA Today that said the Treasury is quickly running out of cash. The Federal Reserve is requesting to raise the debt ceiling and print another $355 billion dollars in U.S currency. This is what the Federal Reserve does. They print more money that that the U.S taxpayers are on the hook for. Generations from now there will still be no way to pay off the trillions of dollars of debt and the dollar will lose more buying power. This isn't a surprise but the shocker is..

I read on that the gold in America's Reserves is valued at only $42.22 an oz on the Treasuries books. An oz of gold today is worth around $1280 an oz! It's been so long since it's be evaluated that if it was audited and re-evaluated they could create the money they want to leech the American public of without even having to raise the debt ceiling and print hundreds of billions of dollars. Let me repeat that incase you missed it..

The U.S gold reserves are claimed to be around 8000 TONS of gold! Each oz is valued on the Federal Treasury books at $42.22 an OZ!!! There is 32000 oz in a ton. I'd do the math but my calculator doesn't even go that fucking high! There is seriously something wrong here folks and you don't have to be a backwoods conspiracy theorist to figure that shit out!

So while countries like China, Russia and India are buying up the shiny metal like crazy you have North America doing the opposite. My country Canada, sold near all of its gold off at a low low price and America is hiding how much they even have. This is bad news guys, catastrophic!

If the U.S would re-evaluate their gold and put it on the books at its true market price the spot price of gold would skyrocket like we've never seen! It would create a frenzy that would make Bitcoins price explosion seem like childs play.

So here's my opinion on this all. Either the U.S doesn't have near as much gold as they claim they have, which would be a catastrophic death blow to their economy and dollar if that went public.. or.. the evil forces that control the U.S Federal Reserve and the U.S government want to keep the price of gold suppressed so they can keep pumping out worthless fiat currency, all the while bulking thier own gold reserves at a low low price knowing one day the dollar will fail and they'll be even more disgustingly rich when gold reaches its true value.

*Also if you didn't know the U.S Federal Reserve is not working in the interests of the American people. It is not truly federally operated nor controlled and it's reserves are not truly reserves. There's nothing there but broken dreams and a promise of enslavement. This may sound crazy but a quick Google search or YouTube video will show you how the Reserve operates.

So in summary, everyone's heard that the dollar could fail. It's not a myth, fiat currencies fail over time. You can read the historical evidence thanks to the internet that this happens. It's happening to other countries you're reading about in the news lately. Hyper Inflation is a real thing.

How long can America keep their weakening dollar propped up when they owe hundreds of trillions of dollars with absolutely no way out of the debt? You always think, "it can't or won't happen here" Other counties that thought that are now eating their pets because they have nothing of worth once their fiat currency isn't worth shit.

Paper money is valueless and you can have a billion dollars in the bank it won't matter when the shit hits the fan! Get yourself some gold and silver, it can be had reasonably cheap you don't have to be rich to buy a little here and there and hide it. Buy cryptos too, protect yourself because the government and the crooked banks are not going to be there to help you if and when the event happens. You don't have to be a nutjob to take the little steps to cover all your bases. You buy lots of "emergency" items you may never use but you do it to be safe. This is the most important thing you can do, exchange some paper money for other assets that will have value if and when the dollar fails.

Yes i know this all may sound like a rant to the lay person but it could be the most important thing you read today. There's some real weird shit going on guys and the end result won't be good for us!

Have the best day




Epic rant! And spot on! The whole thing smells to high heaven. No audit for 60 years and they think a selfie will suffice?? No thanks Goldman Sucks.

Rant that rant mo fucker! It's all coming true -- but i think you underestimate bitcoin. For the love of fucking god GA, get some btc so AT LEAST you can show off some free gold pieces, and at best you can quit your job and become a consultant, or something, Maybe the first Steemian to buy a ton!

I said in the dam post to buy it lol

Buy harder bee-autch!

The golds is still there
The sec of treasury checked last week! :)

Oh ok then I feel better 😛

Me too
I mean he tweeted it's still there so of course it's true!!!!!!

Hey well said my friend!! I'm an American 37 and I am so fed up with this broken system! The dominoes will fall place your bets accordingly!!

And somebody resteem this shit. it took me 2 fucking hours and it could save lives

Great post and totally agree with you,there is definitely something going on,and it's going to end in a good way for most people,thanks for sharing.

You lost me at "we landed on the moon". Seriously though, you have some very valid points.I'm guessing they are looking to revalue their gold reserves to fund the government in the short term. And then, when the USD fails, they will revalue gold again. Not sure what that price will be, but I'm fairly sure it will make today's price look like chump change.

Yes it impossible to predict but many smart people believe gold and silver are massively u dervaled and manipulated to keep the price down. Meanwhile those in the know are buying it but the tonne. China and Russia will overtake what the US claims to have one day in the near future. There's a reason Germany demanded their gold back. Meanwhile Canada is only sitting in the gold they have in ground which had been mostly leased out to toehr countries bro mine. I think one day their will be a shift in wealth and North America will not be the powerhouse they've been. All you have to do is look at the US debt level and see the governments broken and bankrupt and most its citizens owe more than they make. Thx for stopping by agcrypt I really thought this would get more views. Shows how blind ppl are they don't even want to hear it. Cheers bud

It was funny the other day when there was the risk off move in the markets, the climbing gold price got smashed but btc just kept on keepin on. The precious metal price manipulation has been ongoing for so long with so end in sight, that's part of why these headlines like "Is Bitcoin the New Gold?" keep popping up, they have been using the paper market to keep gold from functioning properly in portfolios, bitcoin will be the main risk off play in the future until the precious metals markets start functioning properly again.

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It makes you wonder what really would happen if the $US went under. Would it drag us all down with it or would it level the playing field and the rest of the world wouldn't really feel it in a bad way??

As the world's reserve currency it wouldn't be good to start. I really hope it never happens but ppl need to protect themselves regardless. Thx for stopping by @agscotskiwi

This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @goldenarms! For more information, click here!

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