The mandatory Spot Sabang Spot Explored

in #life6 years ago

Although it may not be as rich as coral reefs in the Flores oceans, the waters of Aceh have their own charms. The diving point on the island is widespread around Sabang Island with its distinctive features and varying degrees of difficulty.

make sure you leave at least 1 day to explore the waters of Sabang while in this place!

So, what's so special about the waters on the island that are included in the book "15 best destinations in Nusantara" written by Barry Kusuma this?

Shark Plateu, The Canyon to Sophie Rickmers Wreck

Sabang has more than a dozen diving spots with different characteristics. ranging from Shark Plateu to sharks, a set of barracudas and mantas, The Underwater Labyrinth with deep drop reaches 50m more, to Sophie Rickmers Wreck, World War II shipwreck aboard marine biota and bunchrare fish lying in the depth of 37m - 55m.Perhaps many think that only expert divers with diving license who can enjoy the beauty of the depths of the sea of ​​Sabang. No, the good news, you who do not have a license can also enjoy it!

not far from Iboih Inn, by walking for approximately 15 minutes you will find Rubiah Tirta Divers (also many diving centrelainnya like Monster Divers at Pantai Gapang, Dolphin Diving Center, Iboih Dive Center and others scattered in various areas of the island ). diving center provides various packages including discovery dive or unlicensed diving recognition.

Make no mistake, although the maximum dive limit is only 12 meters, it is enough to be able to see unique marine biota in the waters of Sabang.

and one you should not miss, a sunken car site on the seafloor that was deliberately drowned to preserve the marine biota!

Wrecked car for living marine biota. Photo by Ayub Ardiyono

Site Post-Underlying Volcanic Symptoms

Weh Island is also known as Pulau Gunung Api. Post-volcanic symptoms can be seen from the holes fumarol, solfatar, and hot springs are commonly found on the island, both on the slopes of mountains, mountains, on the beach and even on the seabed. one of the diving and snorkeling points you should try to visit is Laot Men's Bay, one of the post-volcanic geoheritage and unique geological sites.

from a distance you can smell strong sulfur, almost makes us reluctant to get into the water, Even maybe you will think that the ocean is poisonous. To make sure, tanyaka first to the driver of the ship.

These waters have a depth of about 13-20 meters with a fumarole hole that spurt constantly causing the waters filled with bubble vortex.

A challenging sensation swims over the underwater fumaroles. Photo by Kadek Arini

while diving we can feel a bit of warmth because of these fumaroles. This site will provide an impressive experience, when can longer swim on the fumarole field results from post-volcanic symptoms?

Anoi Black Beach

coral Acropora along the eye looking at Black Anoi Beach. Photo by Leonora Adelia

In contrast to the waters of the Bay of Laot Men, here we can swim on the Acropora reef tables in the shallower waters. The currents here are a bit firmer, especially in the afternoon. the shape of a coral reef that looks like a table might tempt us to step on it as a footing (or maybe just plain hold it). But remember! Not only sharp and dangerous, coral reefs are sensitive and easily damaged. May the photos as much as possible, but also keep the coral reefs!

various places are only a small part of various other dive sites in Sabang. No wonder if Sabang became one of the diving destinations known to foreign countries. we as "have it" should be proud of and participate in preserving the underwater of Indonesia, not just destroy it.

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