Bread n Salt Cafe in Da Nang - finally some decent breakfast

in #food4 years ago

There are a ton of places to get breakfast in tourist areas all over South East Asia, and if you have been following me for a while you know that I have been to many of them searching for a decent eggs benedict and have failed terribly to the point where I gave up the search in Krabi and Chiang Mai in Thailand.

Well, I'm not going to say that Bread n Salt did it perfectly, but it was the best I have had in years and the overall experience was a good one.


For starters, the location of this place can't be beat since it is very close to where most tourists and a lot of the expat population end up living / staying anyway. For me, it is just a few blocks away from my condo so I get to double win.


The interior was nicely decorated and there were plenty of places to sit which is good because the place was packed and seems to be popular as a workspace because quite a few laptops could be seen. I used to hate when people would use my restaurant as an "office" but apparently this place doesn't mind.

I had to sit outside because I was there with a couple of dirty smokers.


The menu features a bunch of drinks called "Detox Green,"Vitamin Boost," "Healthy Cleanse" and other such hipster sounding stuff which I believe is a bunch of crap but my friends buy into that sort of thing and are willing to pay the premium for it. They said it was good so I suppose that is all that matters. I was here for the famed eggs benedict.


There she is. The bread was not an english muffin but the bread they did use was fresh and was easy enough to cut, the bacon was crispy but not overcooked, the Hollandaise was a little odd but it still tasted close enough to pass in my book. The main star was the poached eggs and for me this is the true test of whether a place knows what the hell they are doing.


And there you have it folks: When i cut into my poached egg if it spills out the sides like this but isn't raw it gets the stamp of approval from me. This is the happiest I have been with this dish since I was served it at a 5-star hotel years ago that I can not afford to revisit.


There were plenty of things on the menu that focused on avocado dishes which I would have liked to try but my eyes were glued on the EB, as that was the only reason I came here in the first place. My friend said it was good so that's a nice sign.

In relation to the area this place can be considered a little bit expensive but not compared to the western world. Our total bill came in just under 500,000 VND which is about $21. This included 3 dishes and 2 drinks and considering the quality of the food, service, and restaurant, I think this is a great value. I would definitely return to this place in the future.

Location including GPS coords


Wow their currency there is even worst than ours in Nigeria 😄.

A friend tried to make poached eggs for me back when we were flatmates in 2018 but it really didn't sit well with me. Perhaps it's because I'm more accustomed to basic fried eggs where the yolk and egg white get whisked together. He grew up in Kenya, so knows a bunch of "fancy" recipes. He even did Sunnyside up where the yolk stays kinda raw and everything is just white, that was new to me.

Dirty Smokers.. haha. You don't even need to explain that one. I completely understand. Why anyone would want to smoke before they shower is beyond me!! Looks like a nice place and I bet the outdoor area was kept just as clean. The meal looked nice and looks like you had a bit of company (aka the friend). Eating alone is fine.. Heck I've done it more than enough. Sitting down to a nice breakfast with a friend and some good convo is nice too. Not a bad deal for all that you got. My wife would be all in on that green drink, me.. I'll stick with coffee and may venture out to Orange juice ;-P

I have never had eggs benedict, but I have always wanted to try it. A big breakfast is one of my favorite meals. It isn't that often that I go all out and get it though. Usually during the week my breakfast is a bowl of cereal then I have some yogurt later in the morning. Sunny side up eggs are my favorite. I recently went to a place that had about five different varieties of eggs benedict on the menu. It was really hard not to pick one of them. The poblano one they had sounded amazing. I am definitely going to have to try it sometime.

Pictures so succulent they whet the appetite. I'm so glad you were pleased with this menu. Greetings, friend @gooddream.

That's a really good review sir gooddream and that Eggs Benedict looked close to perfection to me! I think you'll be a regular there.

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